Problem wih initials?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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So we are team yellow and have narrowed names down to 2 for each sex.

Boy: Max Arthur Frere or Nathan Arthur Frere

Girl: Grace Ivy Frere or Jasmine Ivy Frere

We really wanted Max and have done for a long time but one of our friends is due soon and if they have a boy they're going to call him Max! So we have to wait and see if we can use it or not! If not we are considering Nathan - the only problem with this is that his initials would be N.A.F. I know how kids at school can be with picking up on other kids names and stuff - do you think this would be a problem or am I just being silly??!!!
i see exactly where you are coming from, but im sure all will be ok. kids only start doing that when they learn to read and write, so you got plenty of time to worry about that! lol xx
I dont think it would be a problem. My friends initials are M.R.S (its a bloke lol) and that was fine. Alot of people don't know your initials when your at school. :)

My friend almost had the initials A.S.S for her 3rd daughter!! lol

In the end she gave her another middle name because she liked the original names so much she's now ASPS.


My friend almost had the initials A.S.S for her 3rd daughter!! lol

In the end she gave her another middle name because she liked the original names so much she's now ASPS.


I like ASPS thats cool! That is a good point, I could add another middle name in there....hmm..
My friend also double barrelled her daughters first name.

It's Amelia-Skye Poppie Sawyer! :)

My Sons initals are OCD :rofl: But I loved the names too much to let it annoy me, the way I looked at it was that the 3 initals wouldn't really be used together.. xx
In all honesty, i really don't think it matters.

My cousin who i grew up with has the initials that spell KAK and i knew her full name ofcourse but it never ever even occurred to me until she was about 24 and she made a joke of it herself.

My brother has two middle names and i have never once seen him put just his three initials on anything.

It is either his first and last name or his firstname, two initials and then his last name.
I don't think it would b a problem,if it was somethin mire obvious (like ass) then maybe but is naf even a word kids use anymore? My kids wouldn't have a clue wot it meant xxx my initials were EMM b4 I got married,always wanted to marry some1 wiv a surname beginning wiv A so I could double barrel it and have EMMA as my initials,didn't happen tho *sigh* lol xxx
Yeah, the only way 3 would be used would be (example) Jennifer K Cruise :lol: xx
Thanks everyone I feel alot better now and you're right, I dont think kids these days would even know the word naf / naff anyway! Cool, we'll stick to the plan!!
Don't worry about it, initials are hardley ever used nowadays.

I really had a quandry over my daughters initials BJ (As in would people or teens say blow job etc )
and then in the end I thought sod it and made it worse with our chosen middle name of Leigh, and had BLJ
, couldn't have been worse! But after all that I met two other Jones Mums at school and we are really good friends now. They had the same dilema and both went with BJ too! Bethan Jones and Ben Jones!!

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