Preparing for waters breaking at night?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Not something I was very concerned about but my mum asked yesterday if I had a waterproof sheet just in case my waters went at night time? :shock: I really hate the idea of a plastic sheet but I know you can get 'kylie pads', basically squares that are absorbent. I just wondered if anyone else is preparing for this, and what folk have maybe used in the past that worked or didn't work?
You can get fabric Kylie sheets that tuck under the mattress although not sure about double/king sizes - they are washable and very absorbent and can be tumble dried. Otherwise I would get a mattress protector and put a thickness of towells under your sheet? If its comfy of course xx

You could check out disability aid stores online for the kylies xx
Thanks RM, I have loads of catalogues at work (I'm an OT) and there are a few suppliers locally, boots do them too, I just hadn't really thought of it before now. I'll probably get the disposable ones, the reusable ones are quite a bit more pricey. My OH just laughed at me and said it was even more reason for me to sleep in the spare room! I suppose it might never happen in bed but I don't want to go ruining a mattress.
I used a fabric one, intact it's still on in case jack is ever sick and I don't even notice it :)
Ah so manybe the disposable ones are a bit of a false economy, never thought of bubs leaving his/her mark! Thanks
Never really thought about that - my waters always gone during labour
Yeah get the fabric ones, but don't buy argos cheep ones as they are rustle type nasty ones
I don't nottice mine, always had them since we had a nice mattress incase my daughter jumps in the bed too.
Boots sell the ones like they use in the hospital. I picked some up by accident when I was expecting Hebe thinking the were maternity 'pads' as in towels :doh: I had one on the bed where my bum was and one in the car.

This time I just nicked one out the homebirth kits the MWs left us!

All 3 times mine have gone in bed. Last time they went properly and the pad soaked tonnes up and nothing got on the mattress :)
I suppose it's so unpredictable, I think for the sake of £5-20 I'll invest in disposable or reusable. Never thought about he car but I do have a bag for life on my seat just now to help getting in and out so hopefully that would offer a bit of protection, although not absorbancy. Thanks girls!
I had it in the car more for getting to the birth centre last time but I forgot to put it on the seat in the excitement and boy did my waters go properly as I was getting out the car when we arrived! :lol:
Hehe, so the moral of the story is they will go when you are least prepared for it! :)
absolutely! Even though I knew they could go any time I was still :shock: when they went pop in bed that morning! With Sid they popped and most came out in the bed (on the pad) but with Hebe they trickled in bed and I went to the loo then they started to gush and when I got out the car they went BIG time! I squelched into the birth centre with flip flop foot prints in my wake.....the MW giggled when I walked in for them to check if they'd gone! I looked like someone slung a bucket of water at me! :lol:
Maybe I should issue my OH with a snorkel and mask just in case!! :rofl:
my dad used to make me sit on a towel over a bin bag in his car :( i bet he will do the same again

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