prenatal and postnatal depression


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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idk really how to describe how i'm feeling lately, but its not that great :( i am REALLY irritable, and i am aware that the things which annoy me so much are really nothing to stress over. i'm one of those annoying people whom gets her knickers in a twist over fuck all! also i'm feeling down on myself, i just feel really minging and rubbish.

i wouldnt describe it as depression because i still enjoy things and i can still laugh etc. but i dont feel myself, my mood is low *for me* i am usually more cheerful than this. am worried i might develop pre-natal depression, and then getting the big fear of mine- POST natal depression! :(

i know it could just be my hormones- but i definately didnt feel like this with millie. but then again i was young and free then, i had no other kids to look after! is it normal to get more stressed when ur pregnant and already got kids? i really hope it is :pray: and theres nothing more to it

would y'all mind answering my poll so i can see if it means i'm likely to get it *if* thats what it is, also if u got prenatal depression how would u describe it thanx :hug: x
my pnd with logan didn't develop till he was about 10 weeks old, and I had no pre-natal depression.

I wouldn't worry too much just yet as being newly pregnant it might just be your hormones being all over the place.
If these feelings continue though make sure you tell the midwife, because if caught early they can prevent it getting worse :hug: :hug:
Aww hun see how it goes and chat to your MW if your worried, I loved my first pregnancy I was so in love with DH and in awe of becoming a Mummy and got PostND very badly, but with Es I was never diagnosed as kept my feelings to muself but do think I had PreND. I havent even had a blue day since she was born and was terrified and waiting for me to get bad again.

FWIW I think you hit the nail on the head when you say about not being carefree and having millie too :hug: :hug:

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