pregnant or not? can I ask your advice please??

xx sarah xx

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2006
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Hiya everyone :) I haven't posted for ages (since even before christmas I think!) and i'm really sorry to just seem to come looking for advice but if anyone can help I knew it'd be you lovely ladies :hug:

I was due AF on 1st may and although she never showed I was testing BFN, but I had so many pregnancy symptoms I kinda convinced myself I was pregnant, just testing too early. AF was late, I was peeing all the time, really tired, constipated ( :oops: ) really tender boobies, nipples are darkening, that horrible metallic taste in my mouth and I was even throwing up in the morning, as soon as the toothbrush went in my mouth :puke: then AF came on the 10th, finished on the 15th and seemed to be a completely normal period. The thing is, I still have all the same symptoms except now i'm just feeling sicky not actually throwing up and i'm really confused! Do you think I could actually be pregnant or is my body (or more likely my mind lol) playing tricks on me? any input sooooooooooo appreciated!
thanks ladies :) :hug:
hmm, you could be as girls do still have periods whilst they are pregnant, i would wait till next af is due then test again, good luck btw :hug:
All you can do id just go for it hunni and the very best of luck to you x :D
really does sound like you are however i had all the symptoms like u sed except the throwin up. And the toothpaste thing i went off anything to do with mint with my pregnancy, so that could be a really good sign it takes some ppl 2 weeks after late AF for a bfp so u never kno.... good luck :hug:

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