Can I just ask please...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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I have heard people saying they have got AF type cramps before getting their BFP' these cramps really feel like period pains, the same pain I mean? Or is there a slight difference? Its just I'm frantically SS (against my better judgement :wall2:) and have been getting slight cramps but since I got in from work I'm having AWFUL period pains, as I normally get each month a couple of days before I come on. I'm due on on Monday?
Thanks Ladies...
Glad you asked that JarJar, was wondering the same thing myself. Xx
Yep! I had AF type cramps (on and off) during the week leading up to my BFP and they do feel the same. So..sounds like a good sign for you...

When are you testing?

SPC xx
So they do feel just like your going to come on? The same pain intensity? Interesting!
Well I'm due on on Monday so if nothing then I'll probably do it Tuesday...
Congrats on your BFP hun, cant remember if I said it on your other thread!
Yes mine felt like proper af cramps, so much so that it put me off testing for a week cos I was convinced I was about to come on. Good Luck for your bfp. :)
Yes - sometimes they felt really strong (I don't normally get them until the day I come on) and I thought I was out.


SPC xx
Thanks SPC...I shall keep you all updated then!

I had AF type cramps right up to and after I got my BFP with DD. The pain was actually worse than normal AF cramps for me though and my stomach was really hard and tender. The cramps also spread round to my lower back which left me in agony.

It sounds good for you. It's really hard to tell the difference between AF symptoms and EP symptoms especially if you start obsessively SS (i think we are all guilty of that!). It's really frustrating but time will tell.

Good luck xx
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Thanks Chelly...I'm starting to feel really hopeful, what with all the responses I'm getting but have to try to not build my hopes up too much!
This morning I have started getting really weird sickness feelings know the feeling you get when you remember you should have done something really important but you forgot to do it?! And your belly does that little flip thing?! Its happened 3 or 4 times so far this morning...
But...I MUST STOP SS!!!!! Lol...
Ohh jarjar looking good, I really hope you get it this month :dance:

It's terrible trying not to SS isn't it, I'm constantly at it and now the running to the loo every 5 mins to see if she has arrived :oooo:
I know, I'm constantly checking!
I have just told a close friend at work about it and she wants me to get a test today rather than wait til Monday but I'm not sure...wouldn't it be too early to show up anyway?! And I'm also convinced I'll get a BFN so would rather put the disappointment off til AF shows up...I know my symptoms sound promising but I'm not letting myself think I could be...
I don't get af pains until day I'm due and the pains I had were exactly the same feeling/intensity x I was convinced I was out, ESP after getting a 'not pregnant' spelt out on a clear blue digital but I retested with first response and got bfp x because of the af type pains I was still getting I was sure my body was lying to me and actually had a slight panic at scan that they weren't gonna find a baby and it was all a lie but it's definately true!!! x it's sounding really positive for you jar jar x x
Yep with all three pregnancies a week before af was due I got period type pains same intencity and increasing then had my spotting then that stopped and I have some wierd mini period thing coz I bleed during my pregnancies thd first few months but had same cramping feelings before bfp x
I totally agree would rather wait till AF arrives rather than getting a BFN. Going my last cycle of 26 days I was due on Wednesday but am sure it will come today bang on 3 and like you would rather wait till she rears her horrible ugly head than get a disappointing BFN.

Good luck :dust:
I caved didn't I and tested!!! a sign of anything...but I still feel ok, 3 days til I'm due on so now I've got that out of the way I shall just wait for her to no doubt turn up...

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