

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Hi everyone!!

I got my BFP today 4 days before period due. Im ECSTATIC!! Wondered if I could join you all? Going to get pregnancy confirmed at doctors next week so Il let you know how that goes.

So glad to finally be here!!! :D
Oh wow - that's absolutely brilliant - CONGRATULATIONS
congratulations hun!!! good luck in your pregnancy! xxxxx
Congrats hunny thats brill.

Might seem a bit silly here but what does BFP stand for???
im glad you asked that. Ive been on here a while and wondered it also :clap:
congratulations!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

bfp= big fat positive (pregnancy test result)
It means Big Fat Positive (on a pregnancy test lol).

Thanks for all your kind wishes guys, I let you know how I get on at docs on wed when I go for confirmation. :D
yay congrats - have been away for a couple of days so just catchin up!
sure you'll be quizing us on everything pregnancy wise soon!! :dance:
******** CONGRATULATIONS :dance:

Fantastic news, have a healthy happy 9 months!!!! :clap:

Bev x x
Done 3 positive tests myself today after trying for 18 months and a miscarriage before. I am in a daze, cant sleep!!!
This forum seems fab, cant wait to chat to lots of new people.
Good luck chicky, enjoy xxxx
I was trying for 9 months and got it all confirmed on Friday, i don't know the due date as i can't go off my messed up periods! Got to wait for an early scan. I'm just wondering if anyone else is feeling a little worried? I'm still really early so i'm sort of holding myself back a bit, i want to shout and scream because i'm so happy but in a way i can't wait for the first 12 weeks to be over so i can relax and enjoy my pregnancy. Is anyone else like this or am i just to much of a worrier :?:
I am worried too, its natural I think. This is a whole new experience. My younger sister is six weeks pregnant also with her first child, so we are both a bit gobsmacked at the mo. She is a born worrier, I am trying to be relaxed. I cant wait to have it all confirmed, and see the little thing on a scan, I think until then I wont believe it.
How mad is it all!!! I feel like its a dream today. Just done by FOURTH positive test, have carried it everywhere and keep looking at it
I am worried too, its natural I think. This is a whole new experience. My younger sister is six weeks pregnant also with her first child, so we are both a bit gobsmacked at the mo. She is a born worrier, I am trying to be relaxed. I cant wait to have it all confirmed, and see the little thing on a scan, I think until then I wont believe it.
How mad is it all!!! I feel like its a dream today. Just done by FOURTH positive test, have carried it everywhere and keep looking at it
I done 4 too! They all came back possitive but i still wanted to do one at the doctor's for reassurance :lol: I can't wait for my scan either but because it's an early one it's likely nothing will show so i probably won't relax until i get the proper 12 week one :shakehead:

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