pregnant again but just cannot stop worrying


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
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I unexpectedly found out I was pregnant in November after 2 previous MC - one a mmc and one which I didn't need hospitalisation for as it happened naturally at home - in August and November of 2012.

Initially of course I just went into self protection mode and wouldn't allow myself to get excited and to prepare myself for the worst as I guess I thought it's happened twice it's bound to happen again :(

I was admitted to hospital on 23rd Dec 13 with hyperemesis which I had suffered from with my previous pregnancy's and and Xmas Eve they took me for an early scan which I was dreading and again being in hospital I had to do this alone, but to my surprise there was my little bean floating around and it's little heart was pumping ever so strongly I just couldn't believe what I was seeing! Of course I was thrilled but since then I have been terrified. I was further than I thought but because of when I had my last period they have dated me a week behind my actual pregnancy gestation.

On Xmas Eve I was exactly 9 weeks which would make me 11w 3 as I am now bit have to wait until jan 21st for my '12' week scan and I'm just so scared that my little bean is no longer cooking I don't feel any bit pregnant - apart from the nausea which I'm on medication to control due to the hospitalisation. Everybody keeps telling me not to worry my baby is fine but I just want to prepare myself for the worst in a way I just am driving myself mad :(
Hate to say it, but the worry doesn't go away. I've had three miscarriages, one being right before my current pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant again 3 weeks after managed miscarriage. I'm now 33 weeks along and still worried something will go wrong. I've even booked lots of extra private scans just so I can see baby and check she's still wriggling around in there.
I don't suppose it can be helped worrying and whatever the outcome is will have to deal with it I guess :(
It's normal to worry though. I'm sure all will be ok :)
My story is exactly the same as Toria's - 3 mc, one 3 weeks before I found out I was pregnant again and now 31 weeks. It's so hard and the first 20 weeks were really fretful for me as I just kept expecting something to go wrong, had loads of extra private scans to put my mind at rest and checking blood levels for weeks to check rising etc. I really wish I hadn't spent so long being anxious and worrying but I think it's so normal. You'd have to be pretty hard not to be affected. Hoping you can try and relax and enjoy it after your scan x
I was the same - worried throughout after mc. Now my little boy is 7mths old I look back and wish I relaxed in pregnancy a bit more and enjoyed it! xx
I'm just hopping in to say thank you ladies. I've just got a bfp after 3 mc, the last in Nov, and my anxiety levels are not good! It's just nice to hear success stories like yours as it gives me hope. Good luck to all - and vicfahey, I'm sure your little one is swimming around nicely!
yay it's the 21st!
i hope your scan goes well today.
come back and keep us updated?

worrying is normal in any pregnancy. whatever will be will be, and i really hope today brings nothing but good news.

thinking of you xx
Hello everybody I'm happy to announce that my little one is growing nicely in it's little home! been put back a couple of days so now 12 weeks 4 days and due on my birthday which is 1st of August :) I'm so happy xx
Hello everybody I'm happy to announce that my little one is growing nicely in it's little home! been put back a couple of days so now 12 weeks 4 days and due on my birthday which is 1st of August :) I'm so happy xx

yay! that's amazing news!
wish you all the best xxxx
That's fantastic news congratulations. I am pregnant after a loss last year and I'm scared, last time I was online looking at baby things told family etc but I've decided to keep quiet this time round. X
It's really hard isn't it. I'm keeping things really quiet this time (my 3rd) and I'm pretty anxious as I just feel utterly normal which is worrying me. Hearing other people's stories is reassuring though. It does sound like experiences (good and bad) vary massively. Am going to try to stay calm, look after myself and try to let what will be will be.
And great news vic - congrats!
I'm convinced i'm going to mc again. I have a son. and I mc a few months ago I;m feeling similar aches and pains to my MC but have the sickness levels akin to when i had my son. I got diagnosed with ibs during my last pregnancy so im not sure if the pains are ibs or MC related but its all so worrying. I think I know what went wrong with my MC when they found the HB they also found a hydrosalpinx which then disappeared when they checked again and baby had been flushed down my uterus and no longer had a hb. I just can stop tinking oh well its going to happen again, and atm i;m so convinced its going wrong that im a looking at a bottle of wine thinking why the hell not! but i wont. i am good.
Hi guys

Just wanted to say how sorry I am for your losses. There is something about mc that chAnges the next preg experience u know things can go wrong I guess. Vicfahey congrats on your recent u/s that's such great news :) I hope it helps a little w the worrying.

I totally sympathise been there myself now 8 weeks 5 days preg after a loss at 9 weeks 2 days recently. Rational thinking doesn't often take over sadly just mostly worrying about symptoms coming and going lol I have an u/s coming up this week worried but hanging in there. Hope u r all having a good day thks for listening

Isabeau xx

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