pregnant after stillbirth


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2010
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I have recently got my BFP 7 months after losing my daughter @ 35+4 wks. I was told at the time that I will be consultant led from the start this time ( I was changed around 30 wks last time due to being diagnosed with cholestasis) & would have more tests/scans ect. I have my first app & dating scan on 7th july & was just wondering if any of you could think of anything I should ask? I have a few but other people can usually think of things that you wouldnt of thought of x
Congratulations. I was so worried when i saw my consultant in my pregnancy after my stillbirth i went blank when it came to questions.
I'm really sorry I haven't got a clue but I just wanted to say congratulations x
I suppose I aske lots about Ethans specific condition and chances of it happening again and what steps they would take this time if I was in the same situation again. They assured me about extra scans but I pinned them down a little more by asking specifically when and if we could put together a plan from the start for my whole pregnancy so I knew what would be happening. I was told straight away that I would have serial growth scans from 28 weeks - they have changed this now to from 26 weeks due to my anxiety. They assured me that if my child became ill at any point I would be instantly referred to a specialist fetal medicine hospital. That is very specific to me as I didn't have a stillbirth as such. They are also doing a GTT at 26 weeks this time too as I had polyhydramnios which can be a sign of Gest Diabetes. My midwife also assured me that I could see her weekly the whole way through my pregnancy if I so wished - only seen her a couple of times so far though.

This is what I have had from the NHS:

5 weeks - first appt with midwife for chat
5-6 weeks - saw my consultant and informed him if pregnancy - I had this appt before knowing I was pregnant so was really good timing!
6 weeks + 5 - early scan at EPU as referred by consultant due to be taking MAP to confirm pregnancy was progressing as it should
8 weeks - booking in an bloods with midwife
12 weeks - Nuchal Dating scan and consultant appt
16 weeks - midwife appt
19 weeks - Cardiac scan
20 weeks - Anomaly scan and consultant appt
22 weeks - midwife appt (not sure when she will book me in after this prob 28 weeks)
26 weeks - Growth scan
26 weeks - GTT
28 weeks - Growth scan and consultant appt
32 weeks - Repeat Cardiac scan (I hve a date which is actually when I'm 28 weeks but it should be 32!)
34 weeks - Growth scan and consultant appt
36 weeks - Growth scan and consultant appt

Up to 22 weeks has actually happened everything thereafter is planned as such.

I just would push for a plan for the whole pregnancy and maybe ask a little more about the cholestasis and what they would do if you developed it again. I would most def push for the growth scans from 28 weeks. Tbh didn't have to push for anything really as they were very understanding and my constant already had a plan :)
Just wanted to say congratulations to you on your pregnancy - and sounds like some great advice from the lovely Laura there regards questions - I will be following your pregnancys ladies X
I am so very sorry for your loss. I have friend that went through a very similar circumstance. Not the same day, but close and in the same hospital with the same Dr and nurses. They brought a wagon filled with new toys/teddies etc in memory of the baby they loosed and donated it to the hospital. Both children were recognized that day.
congrats hun!!!! i cant think of much as i think laura has covered it all, but i would personally also ask for some reassurance really, for your own sake u need to be positive about this pregnancy (i know thats easy for me to say as ive never had ur experience) but whats meant for you wont pass you and u most defo deserve to get this child here sdafe and sound and screaming!! i really hope u have a fab pregnancy !! :hugs: so pleased for you xxx

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