Pregnant after one mc so scared who else?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
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HI everyone i had one miscarriage last year in march and now i am 4 weeks pregnant. have never been so scared about anything. every twinge and pain or lack of is scary.

i was 6-7 wks when i lost my first so feels like i have a long time to wait to loose it again. does anyone else feel this way?

i want to enjoy my pregnancy and embrace it but feel like i cant get attached or excited in-case i loose it again? so many people seem to of had multiple miscarriages that im scared it will happen again. its good to know im not alone xx
I was like this when pregnant with my son. I mc at 6 weeks the year before so the first tri was scary stuff. I set myself little milestones, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 1st scan, 16 weeks, 2nd scan etc. It really does help x x
Thanks hun I need to hear some positive stories right now :) I'm gunna do that, have midwife in 2 weeks then ill be 6 weeks and hopefully get an early scan and go from there x
Bless you i know how you feel, ive had 2 MC's and am terrified for next time. My friend had a MC last year and she is due to give birth in 4 weeks so there are defo happy endings. Im sure it will be fine xxx
Harass the EPU until you get an early scan, even if you have to be a little creative/persuasive..... The risk of miscarriage decreases loads (sorrry no stats!I'm sure Dr Google can fill in)once a heartbeat is found. I had a missed miscarriage (6w 2d) and they scanned my next pregnancy at 6, then 8 weeks. This reassurance was invaluable and all was fine. I understand your worry totally though. XXX
Thank you everyone! I have midwife in 2 weeks. Ill be 6 weeks gone then and I'm gunna demand an early scan I know they do , do them at my locla hospital so fingers crossed I can. I'm doing everything right to keep this been and trying to be positive xx
I know how you feel I had a mc in april and I am now 9 weeks. Had two lots of bleeding and have stressed myself out no end about this one. we only started to get excited about this one about a week ago after our second early scan (due to bleeding) still not told anyone about it though because there is still that little concern there. Most of the ladies on here have gone through the same so are really supportive. They have been my lifeline. xx
I am petrified! Have had two Mmc's. I have my second early scan on Tuesday and feel like I'm going to receive that bad news again! It's all I can think of right now. I'm absolutely driving myself mad! Right now, just feel like crying! Wish I could sleep through scan to be honest. Am so afraid to hear that awful "I'm sorry to tell you that your baby has no hertbeat again!"

Last time, my brain really struggled to re function for a few weeks. It was so devastating and I promised that I would never get pregnant and put myself through it again. Less than 3 months later I discovered I was pregnant again, and where most people feel nothing but excitement, I have felt nothing but fear and anxiety.

I feel so sorry for my OH who doesn't know what to say or do with me! I feel sorry for my 3 year old, who doesn't understand why Mummy has been a little bit strange recently! I feel so bad!

I'm sorry for ranting on... I just know where to put all of my negativity and I think I'm driving myself mad! Xxxx
I had a mc in may, and now im 9 weeks, Everyweek is a milestone. It is hard, esspecially when u dont tell anyone, only me and oh know. Its better that way. Good luck xx
everyday feels like a milestone just wish time would hurry up! lol! had a scare yesterday thought i was loosing baby had to go hospital and be examined was so scared was convinced that was it, but we are both fine and healthy. i really hope this one is for good :) and i hope all of you have your happy endings x
Think we are all driving ourselves mad!!! lol. It just means we are totally bonded with our babies already because we care so much. xxxxxxxx
I defo agree. My baby is so loved by so many people already! And its only just been created! Defo a baby made from love! Just need time to hurry lol!! Want my midwife and scans now! Lol
I know how you feel. I had a miscarriage this time last year at 6w 5d, but I am now 24 weeks pregnant and loving it. As someone else said, you just have to have small milestones.

Fingers crossed, I am sure all will be fine and things do get easier!
I also know how you are feeling, I hope you are all well.

I had a missed miscarriage in January, no heart beat at 12 week scan, baby stopped growing at about 10 weeks.

I am pregnant again (around 10-12 weeks) due my scan next Friday, half worried half excited. Just want to see their heart beat.
i had my miscarriage at the end of september last year, i cant believe its been nearly a year, i remember every bit of it. the scans, i even didnt want to go to the epau unit again. but i managed it.
I agree to set yourself milestones, we didnt announce it until 20 weeks either this time i was just so scared.
good luck stay positive x x
thank you everyone! thats just what i needed to see! people who have gone through it and had successful stories! hope this is me next year

Make a pregnancy ticker
Congratulations! Ah good luck with your scan, happy stories give me hope. This is my second mc going to try in a couple of months, fingers crossed when it happens will sure to be getting weekly scans just because I will be so nervous. Don't blame you but sending you lots of baby dust for extra luck xxx
HI everyone i had one miscarriage last year in march and now i am 4 weeks pregnant. have never been so scared about anything. every twinge and pain or lack of is scary.

i was 6-7 wks when i lost my first so feels like i have a long time to wait to loose it again. does anyone else feel this way?

i want to enjoy my pregnancy and embrace it but feel like i cant get attached or excited in-case i loose it again? so many people seem to of had multiple miscarriages that im scared it will happen again. its good to know im not alone xx

You sums up everything I currently feel hun !!

I was about 7-8 weeks when I Miscarried in late May - although it took 3 weeks for the M/C to go from 'threatened' to an actual M/C. Worst 3 weeks of my life... I had to get up every day and drag myself to work whilst knowing I was going to lose an unplanned but much wanted baby. It was a terrible, terrible time!

However I did get through it - not without tears and sadness - especially as two friends announced pregnancies around the same time.

I had a positive result yesterday - putting me at 4 weeks (I think it will go to 5 weeks in the next few days!)

Last time OH and I were over the moon this time it has been a lot more sedate.

I feel guilty for not being happier?

I will have an early scan in 2/3 weeks time but until then it is just a waiting game. I have my fingers and toes crossed!


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