

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
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Hello Everyone

Newbie to this so not sure if this is the right place to post this. Found out I am pregnant again (4wks +5). I lost my baby at 10wks in November and now I am just so terrified I am going to lose this baby as well. I know it's not as common after just one mc but I am still so scared.

Again, sorry if this isn't the right place but just had to let this out as OH has taken the attitude of "we're not even going to discuss it till the 12wk scan". I think he's just as scared as I am but just doesn't want to talk about it..
Hi hun, congrats on your bean.
I know how you feel, I had an mc in January 2011 and I have been been waiting ever since for a bfp.
I'm so so nervous, we need to relax and try to enjoy :hugs: xx
Thank you for your words xxx So sorry to hear of your mc xx
hi Claire,

Congrats! I know how you are feeling, I had a mc in oct last year, and am almost 10 weeks pregnant now. I had an early scan at 8 weeks, and found that reassuring as there was a v strong heart beat then. Whereas last time I did not find out til 12 week scan that infact the fetus had died v early on (prob before 5 weeks), and there was nothing there except an empty sac :(
So you might want to request an early scan? It does help put your mind at rest, but I find that I am still a little anxious now coming up to my next scan which is next thurs!
I am sure this pregnancy will be fine for you , let us know how you are doing xx
An early scan is a really good plan, I know it would make me feel so much better as April feels like a lifetime away. I didn't even know that this could be done until reading posts on here, makes me feel a little better.

Hope all goes well at your scan next week! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to my post xxx
Hey hun, it really is a scary time being pregnant after a mc. I had a mmc in June, got to 11 weeks for scan and found out baby had died before 5 weeks as we only saw the sac.

I am now over 21 weeks pregnant and have been a nervous wreck the whole time, even have paranoid days now.

I have had 5 scans so far too, my 12 week one, my 20 week one and 3 early scans at 7,8 and 11 weeks!!! The first scan was a private one amd amazingly reassuring as I got to see my bean and heartbeat which we didn't see last time, the 8 week one was an emergency one at the hospital due to a bleed. Then at 11 weeks I panicked all had gone wrong as that was when we found out about the mc last time do went private again for the reassurance.

So I would say if u can get an early scan at no earlier than 7 weeks just to give some reassurance. Xxx
I would get a private scan for some relife btw big congrats x
Thanks so much ladies, will definitely be going for a private scan. Just want to see the heart beating and get to 12 weeks (even though I know it's not a guarantee everything will be ok) then I feel I can relax a bit. Such a horrible thing having experienced a loss beforehand, it just changes all the emotions this time round. I remember crying my eyes out when I got my bfp last time as I was so happy, this time it was more of a calmer 'right, ok, this is happening again.' Anyway, rambling on a bit. Thanks to all that have replied, will let you know how I get on xxx
I was exactly the same as you, even though my first mc was a long time ago i was still petrified when i found out i was pregnant this time. My oh wanted to tell everyone and i had to pretty much beg him to stay quiet at least until the scan at 12 weeks. I was convinced something was going to go wrong again and as it took 3 years to get BFP i didn't think i could go through it again.

I had my scan last week... and everything looks fine fx! Although i was earlier than originally thought so that pissed me off lol. I'm still scared as i'm still early but i'm starting to calm down a little now... hopefully you can too at the scan xx
Just booked my early scan, for 7 March so will be 7wks +4 then. Fx all goes well :) x
i was the same as you hun, when i got my bfp back in July i was so giddy and exited then i mc'd in august at 5 weeks, when i got my bfp this time around i was more reserved and like Kanga had massive paranoid days, i managed to get an early scan at 6 weeks for reassurance and it did reassure me a little once i had seen the heartbeat, now i'm 21wks and still get a tiny but paranoid but nothing compared to the early days! I'm sure this pregnancy will go just fine for you :) xx
I was the same after having a mc at 6 weeks in September then falling pregnant again in October. I was a nervous wreck and had a reassurance scan at 6+2 where I saw the did reassure me for a while but then the doubts started creeping in again! I think even for those who haven't had a mc the 1st tri is a scary time, but if you see the hb at an early scan the chances are that your LO will be just fine :) Apparently it's quite common to have a mc followed by a successful pregnancy. Good luck xx

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