Pregnant after MC, trying to work dates out...


New Member
Nov 30, 2009
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My wife and I had a miscarriage of our first pregnancy on the 22nd October, and have been trying since then to get pregnant again. We found out were pregnant again on Saturday! Her HCG levels were 110 on Saturday, and 200 on Sunday so they are going up :)

As she didn't have a period, we don't really know any dates so I have been trying to work out the dates using the HCG levels. I was wondering if people here would be able to help me out.

Based on the fact that her HCG was around 110 on the 28th of November, and that the HCG levels double every 48 hours, and that HCG is only produced following implantation I have tried to work out ovulation, fertilization and implantation dates.:

22nd October 2009 - Miscarriage
23rd October 2009 - Day -3
24th October 2009 - Day -2
25th October 2009 - Day -1
26th October 2009 - Day 0

Week -1 from conception / Week 0 from last menstruation period

27th October 2009 - Day 1
28th October 2009- Day 2
29th October 2009 - Day 3
30th October 2009 - Day 4
31st October 2009 - Day 5
1st November 2009 - Day 6
2nd October 2009 - Day 7

Week 0 from conception / Week 1 from last menstruation period

3rd November 2009 - Day 8
4th November 2009 - Day 9
5th November 2009 - Day 10
6th November 2009 - Day 11
7th November 2009 - Day 12
8th November 2009 - Day 13 - Possible Ovulation
9th November 2009 - Day 14 - Possible Ovulation

Week 1 from conception / Week 2 from last menstruation period

10th November 2009 - Day 15 - Possible Fertilization
11th November 2009 - Day 16 - Possible Fertilization
12th November 2009 - Day 17
13th November 2009 - Day 18
14th November 2009 - Day 19
15th November 2009 - Day 20 - Possible Implantation
16th November 2009 - Day 21 - HCG - 1.5

Week 2 from conception / Week 3 from last menstruation period

17th November 2009 - Day 22
18th November 2009 - Day 23 - HCG - 3
19th November 2009 - Day 24
20th November 2009 - Day 25 - HCG - 6
21st November 2009 - Day 26
22nd November 2009 - Day 27 - HCG - 12.5
23rd November 2009 - Day 28

Week 3 from conception / Week 4 from last menstruation period

24th November 2009 - Day 29 - HCG - 25
25th November 2009 - Day 30
26th November 2009 - Day 31 - HCG - 50
27th November 2009 - Day 32
28th November 2009 - Day 33 - HCG - 110
29th November 2009 - Day 34 - HCG - 200
30th November 2009 - Day 35

So I have calculated that she will be 4 weeks from conception and 5 weeks from LMP tomorrow - give or take 24 hours or so.

Do these dates look right?

I know once the pregnancy is further along more actuate dates can be given from the scan and c2r measurements, but is this guesswork about right?

P.S. if your wondering why a bloke knows so much about pregnancy - I read a lot and know how to use Google! :)

Thanks in advance!
Hmmmm.... just did a bit more reading, and found out that you can't really date from HCG levels! Oh well! I guess I will just have to know that were pregnant and wait until we get further along!

:wave: Congratulations, and welcome to the forum! I was just going to say that hCG levers vary massively between pregnancies! The best you can do unless you know the date of conception or when she ovulated last cycle is take the date of the miscarriage as LMP until you get a dating scan. LMP and conception dates are usually more than a week apart (2 weeks if you have a standard 28 day cycle and ovulate hakf way through) unless you have a very short cycle.

Did she test more than once or wait until she felt pregnant and get a strong line?
We don't have a conception date as we have been trying a lot since the mc (I nearly got fed up of it!).

When she hadn't had her period she took her bloods at work and sent them for a quantative HCG test. It came back 110 the first day. She took them again on Sunday and they came back 200, so it's definately positive and going up nicely.

She's going to wait until next Saturday and check again.

Hope everything goes to plan now and we can't wait to 10 weeks so we can start telling people!
fingers crossed for you! Welcome to the forum BTW :D

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