First scan - very worried


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Jan 3, 2008
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Hi all,

This is my first post so please bear with me ...

When we first went to the Doctors my wife explained that her last period was on the 8th November but it wasn't as long or heavy as normal. Her period before that was on the 8th October. The Doctor then said, to be safe we should state the first day of her last period as the 8th October. The scan would then either be done at 12 or 8 weeks.

My wife and I went for the first scan today. First of all the Sonographer used the tummy ultrasound and nothing could been seen and said my wife definitely wasn't 12 weeks. The internal ultrasound then showed up a sac but no yolk - we were gutted.

We were quizzed quite extensively about dates and were told to come back next Thursday for another scan. We were both devastated, the vibe I picked up from the Sonographer and Sister wasn't great - we were told that we should prepare for a miscarriage. I’m not sure if this is because they all thought my Wife was 8 or 12 weeks and there should have been more signs.

The thing is ... I know that during November we only had sex on 25th November because we counted back 14 days from the 8th December, which puts my wife at 5 weeks and 4 days from conception

I've read on the Internet that at 5-6 weeks it can be difficult to see the yolk and by leaving it a week or two it can show itself. The problem is that I don’t know if people are referring to 5-6 weeks from the date of their period or the date from conception. My wife is so upset – any advice is appreciated.

Thanks, Nick
Hi there so sorry that you and your partner are having to go through this, i went through a similar experience myself back in september.

I think most doctors work out pregnancy dates using the date of the last period, now if you had been having sex alot around that period or after those dates then yes, the pregnancy could be younger than previously thought

I myself was asked this when i went for a private scan as they couldnt pick up anything which at 6.5 weeks which is what i was at the time, they should have been able to, i knew we hadnt had sex any later as my boyfriend was away so unfortunately it ended in a miscarriage for me

Hope this helps

Thinking of you both

:hug: :hug:
So sorry that you and your wife are going though this :hug:

Your wife may have ovulated later than the 25 November possibly during December which would mean you are a lot earlier than you originally thought.

Is she experiencing any symptoms? And when did you get your positive on a home pregnancy kit? Not to worry if she doesn't have any symptoms, plenty of women don't and go on to have healthy pregnancies.

Has the hospital arranged a scan for in a few weeks time or have they referred you back to your GP?

Wishing you both all the best :)
Thanks both for your kind words

My Wife found out she was pregnant through a series of home kits, the first one on the 12th December. We aren't being referred back to the GP, the next scan is next Thursday, so we have a little wait.

Our glimmer of hope is that there are mixed results on what you can see at 5.5 weeks and I'm not sure if this is 5.5 weeks from the date of conception or date of last period?

If it's date of conception then we have some hope, if it's the date from the last period then we are :cry:
Normally when people talk about the age in weeks of a fetus they mean roughly from the date of the last LMP. However that only works out exactly for a 28 day cycle and a day 14 ovulation. For instance my LMP was the 28 Nov 07 but I ovulated on day 18 of that cycle. I am currently 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant as worked out from my ovulation day but if you count back using that scale it sounds as though my LMP was on the 1st Dec.

I think it could be possible that your wife ovulated in early December although that would mean that she is more likely to be around 6 weeks pregnant now (I went back two weeks from the possible ovulation date).

I hope that made sense and I wish you all the best luck in the world for next Thursday :hug:

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