Pregnant after 2 miscarriages


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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I am currently 5w 3 pregnant - i have had two early miscarriages this week - both between 4-5 weeks
Feeling more positive about this pregnancy but also terrified that the same thing is going to happen again

Some days I try not to think about it too much and other days I am on constant knicker watch and crawling through google and forums about things that could happen - I have already convinced myself that every twinge is going to be Eptopic or im going to have a MMC

I am debating getting a private early scan next week - but not sure whether i should try and hold out a bit longer in case there is no heartbeat yet then i would stress even more
Is anyone going through the same thing/ or has been through the same thing before!?
Congratulations hun. Wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months xxx
Hi Hols,
Congrats, I would hold out until 7 wks before you have a scan, incase they dont see a heartbeat. Like you say will just stress you out more. Only another week or so. Get it booked in now. As sometimes have to wait a week or so anyway. You will get it on the NHS as have had previous losses.
Good luck. xxxx
Aw hun, I really feel for you. I know first hand how stressful it is after having a mc.

My advice to you is:
Take each day as it comes, each day conquered is a day closer to having a baby
Do NOT google
Arrange your scan for after 8 weeks if you really want one because if it doesn't show what you expect you will stress more (I personally wouldn't have one at all because it would only have reassured me for one day and things can still go wrong
after it)

Best wishes lovely, there is every chance in the world that this will be a happy outcome xx
Aww hunny I know that exact feeling. We are all praying our little babies stay with us and panic at the second we feel a cramp or we take a deep breathbefore we go to the loo to see if the dreaded blood is there.

Your feelings are completely normal.

I like you want an eRly scan but have decided we are going to wait until we are 9 weeks ish.
Wishing you a very healthy and happy months Hun x
Congratulations. Try not to stress out too much and stay away from Google it's to damn depressing xxxxxxxxxxx
Darling you are not alone - I have been where you are and suffered multiple losses, mine were all missed miscarriages and this pregnancy has caused me so much mental anguish I cannot even begin to describe it, its still there and I doubt the fear will ever go - People tell me I will regret not enjoying it, but my enjoyment comes when i hold my healthy baby in my arms.

I got a doppler and heard babies heart beat at 10w 3 d, this has been a god send, i listen every day and it calms me a lot.. there have been some panics when i couldnt find it for a while though i have to admit!

No one can ease your panic other than you, but it is justified. I had my 13 week scan yesterday and never thought I would finally get here, so there is a chance that this pregnancy will be fine for you.

i had weekly scans this time and they eased my anguish for a day, or maybe half a day because my reasoning was 'but the heartbeat has to stop some where with a MMC, just because it was there yesterday doesnt mean it is today' scans do not change the outcome or results, all my MMC were passed the point of baby having a heart beat.

just try and stay strong, lean on your family and friends when you need them, accept each day as an achievement and try as best you can to relax xxxx good luck and i hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy xxx
Thank you so much for all your comments - its different when people who havent been in the same situation tell you not to worry etc but hearing it from you guys makes a huge difference so thank you - I know I need to ease off the internet searches/and the self diagnosis and just talk to my DH/family about it!! :)
Babybo - hopefully (all being well) we will have due dates days apart - heres hoping and spreading us lot of baby hope luck
Keepontrying - good luck to you with this pregnancy - it sounds like it is your time - so keep positive!!
Thank you to everyone else for your comments/ support and advice - all of which I will take on board -its so great to find forums like this - especially ones where you gets lots of replies quickly - its really helpful and has definitely put me at ease! so thank you xxx
Aww no problem hunny. It's nice to have bump buddies ! X

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