Pregnancy test showed up positive, now I'm heavy bleeding


New Member
Jun 17, 2012
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I took a clear blue digital pregnancy test yesterday after being 2 weeks late, and the results showed pregnant with 2-3 weeks.
Today there was a brown discharge and spotting, shortly after that I started bleeding heavily. It's much heavier and darker in colour compared to any other period I've had before. I have to change the pad at least once an hour because of the amount of blood. I never normally get cramps around my period and today I've got abdominal cramps and lower back ache, they feel worse when I'm sitting with my knees up leaning on something and my stomache leant over and they are more painful compared to what they were when the bleeding first started.
What's happening??? I'm really scared.
Hey honey, I would say you need to get yourself checked out. You can go to A and E or wait til tomorrow and go to your nearest Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) and they can give you a scan. It does sound like you could be having an early mc but you need to be checked out ! Hope it is ok for you! Xxx
As you are bleeding and in pain I would say go to A&E/EPU to get yourself checked out. Unfortunately if you are miscarrying there is nothing they can do but at least you will know where you stand. Hope everything is ok :hugs:
If you're losing a lot of blood (like over a pint) then a&e may be a good option as they can hook you up to a drip and rehydrate you that way.

Most places won't be able to scan you before tomorrow but i'd recommend showing up at your epu as soon as they open on monday xx

Best wishes for you
I agree with the other ladies, if there is a lot of blood and if your changing pads like you are i would def either go to A&E or if you dont want to do that without a go ahead ring the NHS direct but they will tell you to go anyway. They did with me when i lost mine. I really hope your ok hun and fingers crossed for you...
I am so sorry hon, rest lots and take care of yourself xx

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