Pregnancy Symptoms


Active Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Hi Guys!

I'm new to the forum, ttc from Apr this year and no luck but didn't really take it too seriously at the start just stopped trying not to get pregnant. So have now decided I need some help. Af is due any day from Thurs- I never seem to have the same cycle twice. :wall:

I'm totally convinced (as usual) that this time I will get BFP, I know it's early but tested this morning and no lcuk, just wondering if anyone who has had BFP can share if they had any symptoms before getting +.

Now shall wait another 2days to test. Fingers xed! :pray:

Welcome to the forum.

When I was pg with my son, I had sore nipples about 2 days before my AF was due. I also had spotting for a couple of days. That was it for me.

I got a very faint line a couple of days before, so faint I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. The day my AF was due I got a BFP straight away on a clearblue test. Used the ebay cheapies to start off with.

Good luck for this month x
Overwhelming tiredness and went off alcohol :D
Fingers crossed for your BFP :pray: :hug:
I had a bit of spotting a few days before (that I think was an implatation bleed) apart from that no symptoms (apart from one that only lasted a couple of hours so doesn't count). Still haven't got any symptons in fact!

Good luck, hope you get your BFP soon :hug:
When I had the BFP, I was absolutely knackered, no energy at all. I also had sore boobs, sore like before your AF, and they felt huge and delicate.

I don't have the before AF ache now after my MC. Anyway, I wanted to post to say you should consider charting, you don't have to get *too* carried away with it although I think it's mandatory! I used to think I was really irregular, but now on the fourth month of charting, I love knowing when I've ovulated and when AF will come.

Thanks for all your replies, been 5 weeks since last AF so hopefully she wont show. I think I will start charting but just don't seem to have the time to sit down and have a good look at what I have to do. If BFN this month then will defo start charting. I am determined!!! lol!!

Af stay away! :wall:
MrsD1 said:

Thanks for all your replies, been 5 weeks since last AF so hopefully she wont show. I think I will start charting but just don't seem to have the time to sit down and have a good look at what I have to do. If BFN this month then will defo start charting. I am determined!!! lol!!

Af stay away! :wall:

That's fair enough and it's so easy to get obsessed with it. The Toni Weschler book recommended in the sticky post on here was really good, it's big but you only need to read the relevant bits.
Well didnt really get any symptoms b4 I got my positive BUT before I thought i was pregnant and before doing the tests I was extriemly emotional and all over the place so not sure if it was connected or not. I only started getting bad sickness, going off food, cravings, sore boobies a week or so ago.
The months you aren't PG, you'll find that you'll get stomach cramps you'll read as a symptom, you'll be tired, you'll be weeing more often.... every psychological wish symptom going :)

The month you DO fall PG, you'll get no symptom whatsoever :D
(I found my "personal symptom" is I get 2 second dizzy spells though...never read any of that in the "symptom spots".!)
Thanks for all the good advice. :)

No AF as yet, tested this morning and got BFN so gonna wait till at least Thurs which will be 6 weeks since last AF showed to test again hopefully. My new years resoloution is to chart!!! I think this will help me big time!

Lots of Luck to all those who are testing over Xmas time- hope Santa brings lots of BFP's to all!

:pray: xxxx
To the people who had some spotting before their BFP... What exactly did it look like? And how much? And, how often?

Ok, it has been 6 weeks and 1 day since AF last showed her face, tested Thurs and got BFN. Maybe it's too early I don't know but 1 month I had to wait 7 weeks but I know I was stressed that month (friend's dad passed away suddenly). So not sure if I am late or if I was just too early to test- driving me craazy :wall:

No sign of AF, no spotting or anything. I normally get stomach cramps for about 2 weeks before AF but have only had small twinges so far. Fingers crossed for BFP!!!! :pray:

margaret said:
To the people who had some spotting before their BFP... What exactly did it look like? And how much? And, how often?


sorry if tmi but on 10 dpo I had some red blood when I wiped that afternoon, that lasted a couple of hours then brown blood when wiping for a couple of days after then on 14 dpo I got my BFP :D
Ooh Mrs Metal, you're getting my hopes up! I had such spotting 10 and 12 days after ovulation...and today is 14 days after...

But I'm too nervous to test!
Test, test, test, lol!!! :lol:

I am a serial tester! Let us know how you get on. I'm testing Monday morning!

Good Luck!

margaret said:
Ooh Mrs Metal, you're getting my hopes up! I had such spotting 10 and 12 days after ovulation...and today is 14 days after...

But I'm too nervous to test!

Oooh looks promising, Test! Test! :D
I'll have my fingers crossed for you :hug:
I had further spotting yesterday, so spotting 10, 12 and 14 DPO. I tested this morning, 15 DPO and BFN!


AF really isn't here yet though, so I'll just keep hoping. The one thing that keeps me 'up' is the fact that I am not experiencing the pre-menstrual cramping that I usually get. It usually happens several days before AF arrives. Who knows what's going on.

Thanks for all your support!

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