pregnancy symptoms

skatty said:
Oh please both do a test! fran apparantley if you have your kids close together your body copes well because it is all still stretched from your previous pregnancy. My Mum got pregnant with me really soon after my brother, there is less than a year between us and I was nearly a month late! She had no regrets (most of the time anyway :rotfl: )

noooo way... having them to close together leaves you with all over stretched hanging skin :(
i was moaning to hv about it trying to scam a tummy tuck :lol:

she said because i had them both so close my muscls didnt have time to go back to normal and iv over streched them :wall:
thats what happened to me dionne. i have a little joey pouch as my hubby fondly calls it. Its not that bad but i do wish it wasn't there. Thats the only thing about my body that i don't like really.
not from me..i havent tested.
i just dont think it would come up on a test took a few weeks last time! i cant face doing a test getting a bfn being all relieved then finding out it was a bfp next week!

did you test keely hun?
sorry for the suspence girlies! test was negitive :dance: but still no AF.

i am about 1wk 1/2 late, must be hormones settling.

i said to oh is i didnt have such a bad pregnancy with ellis as begin i would mind being preggers again, but who would look after ellis if i was admitted to hospital again.

oh fran u have gotta test!!! xxxx
i will test, i'll get one from tesco later..just dont want a false negative!

glad its just ur hormones hun..if u feel the same as me and dont want to be pg again so soon!

i'm scared!
i bet you are scared hun.... i hope mine was not a false neg too.

i was trying to think of the good things if i was preggers the babies would have a lovely relationship when the are older!!

fingers crossed for you xxxxxx
ok i've tested using tescos own..BFN
so far so good.. but as i said i reckon it would be a negative atm anyway...soo
i've stopped taking my pill and i'll just have to see what happens, i'll
test again next week! hopefully should be ok, i feel ok today just a bit tired and dizzy could be hormones anyway..i hope :)
because if i am pregnant and i keep taking it its bad for the you dont have a true period on the pill just a withdrawal bleed so how am i meant to know if i'm pregnant or when to if i dont get a proper af! this is what happened to me last time i had to wait 7 weeks for a was hell!
Make sure he weras a glove! You don't want to end up preggers while waiting to find out if your preggers :rotfl:
lol..dont worry my new motto is NO GLOVE..NO LOVE!


in fact i think celibacy is the way to go! hehe
:rotfl: :rotfl: thats the best phrase i have heard all week..

in fact im making it my phrase of the month ! :D

*sings* No glove no glove no love lalallalalala

Hope you guys keep the result you want :hug:
congrats on the neg.... fingers crossed it will stay like it xxxx i tested again 10 mins ago..negative so i'm praying it stays that way..i reckon its fine and its just my hormones settling down etc..

:dance: :dance: :cheer: right next time you hear anything of this sort from me will be in a few yrs time when i am in the ttc section trying to make a brother or sister for hayden!!!
Phew!!! :cheer:

Was a bit concerned for you Fran. This baby business is addictive but I'm going to wait a few years too I think! :D

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