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Pregnancy symptoms vanished :( worried


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2011
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First off HI ALL - I'm from Plymouth and 9 weeks (roughly) pregnant

When you have them it's a pain in the ass, but when they appear to have disappeared you realise how comforting they are.

Today i woke up and didn't feel sick- worse then that I didn't feel pregnant- normally I get some tummy pains and aches and i feel nausea all the time- today I woke up feeling FINE

SO now I am worried stiff, I have phoned NHS DIRECT as my dr surgery has been less than comforting, when I phoned once about a complaint last week the Dr was kind of like 'well what do you expect your pregnant- what do you want a sick note!' No I didn't want a sick note I wanted some reassurances - whilst I understand it must be an inconvenience to them having to deal with panicky and worried pregnant women- this is all new to me and it's SCARY! I don't know what is or isn't normal....

So now I am early expecting a call back, no make matters worse I had a dream last night I lost the baby - but I'm hoping thats just my fears manifesting into a dream and now a sign of things to come

Also is anyone else kind of scared about their first ultrasound- I keep getting paranoid there won't actually be a baby in there!

I posted pretty much the same message as this at about 10 weeks and everything was fine with my first scan. Apparently at some point your placenta starts to take over so you don't need the high level of hormones that give you all the symptoms so they start to disappear, although I still had good days and bad days after this. But getting a medical opinion is never a waste of time, especially if it reassures you. xxx
Thanks Hellywelly I keep thinking for a brief second 'oooh I feel slightly nauseous' but then it passed and I think I imagined it for the briefest moment!

It's so easy to moan about pregnancy symptoms but, they really are reassuring I didn't realise how much I would miss them :(

Thanks, it would be amazing if NHS direct could tell me to go in for a scan just to check, but somehow I doubt thats going to happen- at this rate I won't get my first scan till well past the 12 week mark!
Aww don't panic hunny. I'm sure little bubba is ok in there.
Can you not call your MW? X
See i'm kinda the same i've not been sick, or felt nauseous at all through my pregnancy it doesnt feel normal to have an easy ride at the start? maybe i'll get it the further on i am hmmm, i just assume everything is fine in there as my belly has got a bit bigger, hopefully due my ultrasound next week, but like yourself i worry there's not a baby in there or there will be something wrong with it :(
Nhs direct called I described what had happened and she said to go to a&e as I could be scanned and checked out. But I'm sitting here waiting on my own OH is at work and I feel like I'm going to be made out to be overreacting or not taken seriously

If they do scan I'll let you know how it goes - I use to joke about there being 2 babies as my symptoms seemed pretty bad but right now i'd be happy for one healthy sticky bean ;(

To top it of sitting opposite a heavily pregnant woman and feeling very teary

Reillybaby I wouldn't worry it's not that I don't have symptoms it's more that I did and they vanished :( I hope your ok

No reassurance, the nurse actually said she couldn't offer reassurance and that I may be able to get a early scan next week and thats that she made me do a pregnancy test to confirm then followed up with even if it comes back positive you could still miscarry ;(

So no answers no reassurance feeling tired and emotional x
Oh hunny don't panic. Stay strong xx
Rest up, put on some movies and try not to think about it. Hope bubs is ok xx
No reassurance, the nurse actually said she couldn't offer reassurance and that I may be able to get a early scan next week and thats that she made me do a pregnancy test to confirm then followed up with even if it comes back positive you could still miscarry ;(

So no answers no reassurance feeling tired and emotional x

That's crap, what an old bag! If you have the money hun you can get a scan privately, mine cost £90 and was done at 9 weeks...but be prepared, they don't look like babies but more like bald hamsters :lol:

Am sure everything is fine, I have had very few symptoms, my worst was the tiredness xxxxxxx
Hey hunny I'm from Plymouth 2! And have put so many posts exactly the same as this up as it is so worrying! I'm 10 weeks tomoro. I to rang the midwife when I was 7 weeks due to symptoms suddenly stopping she rang epu up derriford and they said they wouldn't scan me as they don't scan unless ur bleeding or in pain! GRr! I think most of plymouth must be preggers atm!.. But I wouldn't worry hun, symptoms comes and go, one min ur fine next bam its back! Xx
I had 2 days if no morning sickness or nausea and I got worrid too, then was sick again this morning! Symptoms do seem to come and go. Hope you're OK.
I wouldn't be that worried if i was you, im 7 weeks and ive got no symptoms whatsoever!, i dont get sickness. I do feel sorry for the people who do struggle with it though as i can imagine its not a very pleasant thing to go through :).

I found out at 5 weeks and since then ive not had a sniff of a symptom but ive read its completely normal for your symptoms to let up or dont have any :)
I did exactly the same yesterday, I have been feeling totally rough for about 3 weeks, tiredness, sick feeling, wind and then yesterday it all stopped!! Today is another story I feel crap lol and now to add to the list I have stomach pain but I do just think it's wind :) just waiting to parp :) tmi??
I'm coming up to 6 wks now and apart from sore boobs some days and not others and Bellarivens problem of trapped wind and needing to pass wind iv had no symptoms at all!! I sometimes think id like to have some MS as no symptoms kinda worries me as well! Iv had 2 early miscarriages this year and this is the furthest iv got so far so im paranoid about everything but dont really have any symptoms to speak of at all,hoping it normal and nothing to worry about
Love pregnancy forum for advice and support it's a great community!
Thanks for all the concern guys and reassurance I'm hoping all is ok- heres what happened after my phone died.......

so arrived at A+E at 1pm
Saw triage nurse who informed me about having to do a pregnancy test and that even if it came back positive it could still be a mmc- friendly lady, whilst she was blunt she was down right scaring me.

Saw the A+E Dr who checked me other and said pain in my right side could be etopic and I was going to be sent for a scan today

2 hours later I am sent to the ward where they do the scans

4 hours later a dr comes and sees me and tells me it's NOW out of hours and they won't do a scan and she checks my tummy...... and says its likely not etopic as pain should be worse, she then does a UTI test which comes back saying I have every thing under the sun with could explain the pain so I have been given cefradine antibiotics (apparently safe whilst pregnant the dr said)

I now have an early apt at EPU for next wednesday but I still think I will be worried sick till then as the A+E dr informed me that mmc are pretty common so great! 4 days of stressing and worrying!

OH and 9 hours without food or drink in hospital to be told I have a UTI?!?!?!?!?! WTF?!

So this morning nausea is back (thank goodness!) and something even weirder which I'll most in a separate thread....

Keep your fingers crossed for me :) nice to meet everyone, especially another plymouthian - apparently Minxy we're at the same stage I'm turning 10 weeks in a couple of days (fingers crossed!)

Aaaww hun try not to worry

They seem to leave most people without food and drink when they are first admitted mainly in case they have to do sedation. Ectopic is obviously more serious than a uti so they were probably making sure that if need be they could whip you into surgery as quickly and safely as possible (I have been told the pains from ectopic become really horrific). Although to be fair they should have tested your wee as soon as you got there and saved you all a load of time and worry.

Rest up, drink lots and try not to panic xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I agree with BabyBrain, drink lots and rest :)

Let us know how the hospital went :)
Rest hun and try not to worry! My midwife told me that mmc are actually the rarest form of miscarriage there is so don't panic what the nasty lady doctor said! When I had my mc everyone in epu were lovley so they'll take care of you :)! I'm jel u get a scan tho, I still havnt seen my baby, got 2 weeks to wait the suspense is killing me! Lol! Yep 2 janner girls haha both 10 weeks xxx

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