Pregnancy of unknown location and now bleeding

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi ladies

Looking for some advice. So i tested positive 2 weeks ago today (i was a week overdue on period) i have a copper IUD in place so went to the doctors the following day.

I was sent for a scan on 10th Feb which found no pregnancy. I had 3 blood tests over the next 6 days which showed my hcg doubling every 2 days.

I went to A&E yesterday with pains on one side and was admitted, i was sent for a scan this morning that also failed to detect a sac.

I was discharged from hospital at 4pm and booked for a re scan next Friday. I have just been to the toilet and there was pinky coloured blood when i wiped.

I've called the ward and they advised to monitor it overnight.

I am assuming the pregnancy is ending, would you just wait for it to come away?
Hi lovely, really sorry to hear that its been a stressful few weeks.

Generally its bright red clotted blood that shows a miscarriage, but the pink might be the beginning of it. I think the only way you'll know for sure is by waiting and seeing, hopefully it will taper off overnight. Bleeding is common for lots of people during the early stages. It might be that it is just too early to see anything on the scan, fingers crossed that its not ectopic.

Most people who have a MC this early on will pass it all, but I'm not sure if that will be the same with the IUD still in there. I'm sure the hospital will monitor you properly anyway, given the circumstances. They might give you the option to have a D&C (basically they remove everything), having had a MC I think I would choose this if I ever needed to in the future but it is a completely personal choice.

Anyway, stay positive for now and don't forget that we're all here if you want to chat. So many of us have been through similar issues so know how you must be feeling x

So sorry to hear this, I went through something very similar. It started off as a pregnancy of unknown location, then they found an empty sac and something in my right tube so was classed as an ectopic. Ectopics can be really dangerous so initially they were keen to operate, however I started to bleed naturally about a day later.
My bleeding started off light, but then became really heavy, and I passed the sac...I would keep hassling them, if it's an ectopic, then they need to sort it, rather than just leave it.
It's the not knowing that is the worst, and I still don't have any answers as to what happened, I probably never will.
Good luck with it all xxx
Thank you both xx

Since the pink blood around 7 last night I've had no further bleeding and no pains so fingers crossed it was nothing to worry about.
I'm really glad to hear that, fingers crossed that your rescan goes well :)

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