Pregnancy insecurities....

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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I know it sounds really stupid but i feel really insecure at the moment about the way that i look. It doesn't make sense but i actually love how i look at the moment (apart from by boobs) but i'm insecure about what my OH thinks, as for loads of reasons i just don't think he find me attractive anymore.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

To make matters worse he's off to Leeds this weekend with a crowd of lads from work and there all staying over and i'm just finding myself stressing over all these attractive slim ladies he's going to see and he's going to compare them to what he has at home and think they are so much better and think bad of me..... and worse still i'm thinking god what if he strays from the temptation i would never know..... I know i should trust him and i guess i do but i do know that these things can still happen know matter what.

I know it sounds really immature and maybe its just hormones but i just feel so insecure about what he thinks of me..... has anyone else felt like this....

Hun, he loves you and your carrying his baby, he probably still looks at you and see's the most beautiful woman in the world, maybe even more so now. :hug:
wanted to give you :hug: as i'm feeling exactly the same about myself at the mo.
I don't like my shape either, I like what it represents, but the actual bump out the front nope. I can only look at it if i can see it in the mirror without my face attached 9dissociation(). My Dh asys he loves it but i don't beleive it. Not helped by him referring to my maternity wear as 'Fat Mummy clothes' (tactfull).

So i completly empathisise with what you are feeling, but sometimes what we see and what they see are different.

I am feeling exactly the same at the minute hun, and as i was getting into the bath i noticed 2 stretchmarks on my side which has set me off even more.
I'm always asking lee if he loves me, or if he wishes i was still skinny, but i am always reassured by him that me having this bump, knowing its his child makes me even more sexy to him. And hes always like a dog on heat so it must be something

I'm sure your OH loves you more than ever now hun.
Try not to worry hun, easier said than done I know, but he is with you, he loves you - and if my other half is anything to go by, he finds you more beautiful now than he ever has before! He'll probably get drunk and spend the whole weekend talking about you and your future life with LO!

I know how horrid it is to have insecurities. I used to be hugely overweight before I met my OH (going back 7 yrs now) and my partner before Alex was a complete ass and cheated on me, so it took me forever to relax and trust my husband. If anything, me being really insecure and accusing him of all these things pushed him away cos he felt hurt that I didn't trust him and trust how he felt about me and my appearance.

This weekend, try to relax and get as much 'you' time in as poss. Keep busy if you have to, ring and text lots of friends if you have to... eat tubs of Ben & Jerry's if you really want!!!! But don't spend it watching the clock wondering what your OH is up to. Just try to remember he loves you and a lot of these feelings are prob coming from pregnancy hormones anyway! I know I certainly don't like my appearance at the moment, I feel I look fat rather pregnant and hate my hubby seeing me naked, which is ridiculous when he's seen it all a million times before!!!!

Relax, enjoy your weekend of peace and no man nagging!!! x
Thanks Ladies I really hope you're all right! Although i'm still not convinced. I guess I've just got to accept that Saturday is going to me a really crap day and there's nothing much i can do! :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

If he did get up to anything on this matcho weekend and i found out - by heck that would be it!!! baby or no baby he would be history and i seriously hope he knows it.

Thanks for all your understanding replies ladies :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh LMP, I had to give a sly smile cos you sound soooooooooo much like I did!!! Has your OH ever given you any reason to doubt him, or is it purely how you feel at the mo? If it's how you feel, try and not let thoughts about the weekend eat you up. I know it's easier said, but it isn't healthy for your, your relationship or bubs! Saturday doesn't have to be a crap day for you, can you hook up with your best mate or something, have a girly day? Or even just enjoy your own company and pamper yourself for a day and night!!!! My OH is going out in a couple of weeks, so I am looking forward to a night with Caramel Choo Choo, my duvet and films he won't let me watch with him!

Another thing, I dunno if you do this or not cos I used to, but don't spend all day and night texting and calling him. I find if I don't contact Alex while he's out, he's the one rushing to call and text me! You have to trust your OH, just let yourself jump off the cliff and hope the parachute will open. Life's too short to worry about things that you have no control over.

Try and stay positive, your hormones are all over the place at the mo anyway, which make the night out a million times worse!!! Sorry if I've ranted on, easily done :) x
I'm feeling exactly the same too, it is horrible and although I'm aware I am being silly it is really hard not to be- bloody hormones :evil:

I don't think you need to worry, he loves you and your having a child together and as some of the others have said he probably loves you and finds you even more beautiful now.

Alex xxx
I'm feeling exactly the same at the moment. I think its because our bodies are changing so much on the inside and outside it does make you feel insecure. Your oviously the only girl for your OH because if you wasn't he wouldn't be having your baby and I am sure he loves you very much and still finds you just as attractive. sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: Welcome to the insecure lady's club! Hahaha :hug: feel the same hehe my OH just said we all crazy for worrying but it doesn't matter because we are going to any ways. I know my oh isn't with me coz of my looks because I haven't got any but it still makes you feel like poo. I don't know what to say really but theres alot of changes going on and mixed with the whole hormones and expanding tummy thing some days you just feel terrible. :hug: :hug:
I'm in this club too!!

I mentioned before about when it gets to the summer and he'll be hanging round the beach with his mates and they'll be all these slim young things in bikinis, and me all covered up and looking like a fat blob!!! :lol:

He did try and reassure me and said it wouldn't make a difference as he'd know it was his little baby in my tum. It helped a little....but only for about 3 seconds! :lol:
Thanks everyone.... I'm pleased i'm not the only one who gets like this :roll:

My OH hasn't done anything to make me doubt him on the infidelity front but i'm a bit of a serial monogamist that doesn't 100% trust anyone.... much to his annoyance. But he does seem to be more distant now-a-days on the attraction front but it could be all in my head !!!

well you'll all be pleased to know that I've spoke to my mum and my best mate and i now have choices for Saturday.....

1) Stay in and stew on what OH is getting up to :cry:


2) My mum is going to baby sit my niece and nephew (who i hardly get to see) on Saturday so i could go and keep her company! (and me and mum r dead close so it will be nice to have a night with her)


3) My best mate has said we can meet up and go for a meal or just stay in and chat etc etc and catch up


4) My dad said he would love to see me too (but i hate his partner so that might be a no no!!

They all know i'll be crap company... worring about OH's antics... but its better than being on my own all the same i guess! ....

God how pathetic do i sound!!!!! I need them socks pulling up again :roll: :roll: :roll:

I totally understand where your coming from. Being from Liverpool, my dh is off to the Grand National at aintree on Saturday, but it aint just a racing event here in Liverpool, it's a chance for all the ladies to get dressed up and look fab. I'm going to be fuming all day thinking he's perving off all the lovely ladies in their gorgeous dresses! I normally go with him but i really can't be arsed with it this year as I will be too uncomfortable and I can't have a drink, i'm gutted as I enjoy a day at the races. It's natural to feel a bit insecure about these things, i'm sure your oh thinks you look gorgeous and he'll be thinking about you the whole time.

p.s I want it to piss down on saturday :twisted: how horrible am I?

clairedoran said:
p.s I want it to p*ss down on saturday :twisted: how horrible am I?xx

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Mind you i don't think the rain can help me... I'm hoping for a one off "sexy girl" ban in leeds on saturday....... what r my chance do you think :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think most of us are exactly the same, but most women won't actually admit it!!!! Even though I trust my OH I still don't trust other women around him, his prob is he's so honest and comes home and tells me if he's been hit on!!!! We got married recently and he had a couple of stag dos, he called me in the middle of one of them, totally shit faced, proclaiming that some 'blonde tart' just tried to pick him up at the bar. His response to her? He drunkenly blurted out to her that he was having a baby, to which she gave him very weird looks and stormed off! He even confessed to the fact he got dragged into a strip club (he genuinely hates these places) even though he knew I wouldn't be best pleased. He's too honest for his own good sometimes!

LMP, you can have a great day/night on Saturday now! Out of those, I'd spend some time in the day with my mum, looking after the kiddies, and then go out in the evening with my best mate. Is that an option? That way you'll have company all day, can catch up with family, and then have a good gossip with your mate in the evening... lol, bitch all you like about your OH having the freedom to go out on boy's nights and get hammered, when you can't do a thing...!!!!

Sorry I keep going on (and if I sound like I am preaching!) Pwomise I'm not, just this subject hits such a nerve with me cos of everything I have been thru with weight and partners. I have never trusted anyone completely and even though I trust my hubby 110%, I still get the green eyed monster sometimes. It's worse at the mo while I am preggers, which is odd as he's showing me more love than he ever has as I am carrying his child. Men seem to find that a huge turn on (physically and emotionally) so LMP, look forward to YOUR day on Saturday - then you can tell your OH what a great time you had when he gets back! And I always find it's easier to dig for info if you have lots to say, he doesn't suspect you're asking as many questions then :)

My OH appears to be having a sympathetic pregnancy by putting on weight at the same time as me. Don't think he is doing this to make me feel better but it does none the less.

I however, do not find him less attractive and so believe him when he says the same about me. Although he does keep wanting to touch my boobs and they are still a bit sensitive (leftover from tri 1 soreness) so I don't let him :lol:
I'm with you on this one too hun, although I am not as bad as I was when I was PG with my son.

My DH is planning on going to Toremolinos (sp) in September for a few days with the lads he works with and I really don't like the thought of it at all, although I will have had LO by then I still prob won't be back to my normal shape :(

Us ladies have to put up with a lot don't we?!!!

Right ladies listen up!!

We are NOT over the hill, we are NOT fat and nasty and I highly doubt any of you are ugly so we need to basque in our pregnancies and sexyifie ourselves...

So there are slim minis out there atm I think theres nothing more beatiful then a pregnant women :)


I do understand where you are coming from, sometimes i think its hormanl where we just have days when we feel like complete shit and unless we have a baggy tshirt and joggers on we dont feel comfy within our own skin i think this has alot to do with hormones we need our partners to compliment us or else we dont feel as good.

Maybe a gorgeus new outfit might cheer you up hon?

xx :hug: :hug:
Well said Steelgoddess, I feel more positive already :D


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