pregnancy brain


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Ok i would say sometimes i can be dappy, but im not a dumb girl...and there is certain extents to dappy and this really pushes it,

I was watching the friday night project and they joked about drinking and it came to the end of the joke and he said and the scots are drunk everyday ending in "day" and i sat there and went "monday, tuesday, wednesday, thurs...ohhhh haha i get it now" At tuesday Alan thought i was joking but when i made it to wednesday he realised i wasnt, well lets say i will not live that down very soon, and im sure when we go to my moms on the weekend he wont wait a second before he lets them know.

There has been a few other things, like mixing the camen islands up with hayling island, and asking Alan why the hell would you have to go to the postoffice and change you're currency to drive over to the camen islands?!?!?! its only over the road" "

Is this normal? I mean there must be something wrong, there must be a name for this level of pregnancy brain?

:rotfl: :rotfl: aww love you. Im just the same. The amount of times my OH has laughed at me for something stupid ive said and things ive done. :doh: ...hopefully it will wear off when babys born lol
:rotfl: I'm still waiting for mine to wear off & its been 5 months now :shock: I'm always saying something daft :lol:

The best I ever said & still get reminded of it was.....
After doing something (forget now!) fantastically good I said to my DH 'See I'm not even a pretty face!' :oops:
Cassi...It i hate to tell you, but it doesnt ever get any better LOL :rotfl:
Well your brain does shruk 3% whist pregnant. I remember last time I just had a habit of sticking things in weird places especially if I had 2 things in my hands you could guarantee I would stick the milk in the wheelie bin and the empty cerial box in the fridge.
lol damn! well at least i have an :rotfl:

I've said this before but......My worst day of this was when I couldn't find my keys, I looked everywhere...... in all my pockets, in my bag, in the bathroom, the kitchen, down the sides of the sofa....... I looked and looked and looked.

You know where I found them?

In my hand. :oops:
nicki said:
:rotfl: I'm still waiting for mine to wear off & its been 5 months now :shock: I'm always saying something daft :lol:

Doesn't get better after 9 months! And is even worse with the second! :oops:

Urchin that always makes me laugh, I did just the same thing the other day :oops:
Cat&Noah said:
Well your brain does shruk 3% whist pregnant. I remember last time I just had a habit of sticking things in weird places especially if I had 2 things in my hands you could guarantee I would stick the milk in the wheelie bin and the empty cerial box in the fridge.

i did this constantly when i was pg :lol: . i once gave my very bemused dh a carton of milk and put his coffee in the fridge :doh: . i was always trying to put the washing in the feezer for some reason.

Sorry girls i'm still like that now!!!

And i agree it gets worse with every pregnacy/birth

My best one yet is giving OH coffee without coffee in it!!! it had suger and milk in it what more could he ask for :rotfl:

Bread goes in fridge and milk in cupboard
can never find house keys (usually in door :doh: )
will search for my phone and it will be next to were i was sat

I could go on and on

honsetly i used to be sane
Oh yeah and trying to find glasses where your wearing them. That wouls have my OH p*ssing himself, when my hormones are making me go mad running round the house swearing and shouting my head of, convinced there is a conspiricy against me then to have it pointed out that they are actually on me face, making me even more cross so I tell the smug git to sod off before I thow a plate at his head!
OMG - pregnancy brain hit me big time the other day!

My other half and I were checking that a property was ready for the next set of tenants, and I noticed that they had left a cd in the living room, so we collected it to take back to the office, and in the car on the way back I turned to my OH and said - shall we listen to this cd to see what its like, he asked - who is it, so I looked at the disc (as there was a clear case) and said "somebody called Era Sure - must be a foreigh woman" - he then pi**ed himself laughing, and explained that it was a british band called Erasure!

DOH! He then told the whole office when we got back to work who also thought it was hilarious!

:rotfl: :rotfl:
pmsl that made me giggle! i was in boots taking back a gift experience the other day and i gave the woman my mobile with the boots customer services line on the other end so they could tell her the auth code, and then i started rooting through my bag going nuts cause i couldnt fiind my phone :wall:

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