Pregnancy Books


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Can anyone recommend a really good book thats a guide, help, advice etc for all stages of pregnancy? Ive googled but theres waaay too many to choose from.

my midwife gave me one at my booking in appointment, and its really good, it goes through all the stages, what to expect etc etc and best of all its free

If I was you Id see if your midwife gives you the same thing at your booking appointment
Hiya Rachel :wave:

I bought a book from e-bay last week after Twilly started a thread about a good pregnancy book, its called " your pregnancy week by week" the book is by Lesley Regan. Its really good It cost me about £4 including postage! :)

Another one I bought is "Your pregnany Bible" by Dr Anne Deans, I think I bought this one off e-bay too when i was pregnant last year. This is really good too, but if I have to pick I think the first one is better

I hope this helps xxxx
Yes, as VickyB says, the book your pregnancy week by week is fantastic, got mine cheap on ebay as the rrp is 19.99 but would say it is still worth every penny at that price.
Just wanted to say thanks Twilly, the book is fab Im so glad I bought it :):)
Pleasure, VickyB, I love it.
Have a good old read every night. it will be useful all the way through the pregnancy.
ahh thanks girls, Ive just seen that book on Amazon but wasnt sure. Ill get it when I get in from work later. XX
As a light hearted read I'm reading Denise van Outens new book, it's not got all the sciencey stuff in it but has some tips and advice and it's like her diary something a bit different I suppose.
what to expect when you are expecting is good as is a rough guide to pregnancy which is more light hearted.
I have two pregnancy books, both week by week. I think they are both excellent. One is a more lighthearted jokey book and the other is very serious and very interesting! week by week books are great
Get the Best Friends Guide to Pregnancy! Its boldly honest! xx

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