Pregnancy Books


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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I have been looking on Amazon for books on pregnancy etc but there are so many out there I don't know where to start! Has anyone got any recommendations for books that they have found useful?
I have this one and found it very good when I was expecting my son

Your Pregnancy Week by Week by Lesley Regan

Although I had it in softback so it was a lot cheaper!
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i have got your pregnancy diary by Dr Anne Deans and i was recommended it by a friend and its got loads in it - week by week about you and your growing baby!!

Also helpful as has handy section for after baby is born and baby first aid!!!

I have recommended it to 2 of my friends and they are really happy with it too!!
I got pregnancy for dummies!! It's brill, it was like my bible when I was pregnant with lacey!
I've got the week by week one as well, and conception, pregnancy and birth by Miriam Stoppard. And the Myleen Klass one my sister in law gave me, lol!
I like the 'what to expect when you're expecting' one.

Yeah i am a fan of "what to expect when your expecting". To save yourself some money go to your library and get a few different ones for free! I have had mine since i found out and just keep renewing them! lol!
I am anothing fan of 'what to expect when you're expecting'. A friend gave me a copy as she used hers through both her pregnancies and found it very useful. They also do babies first year and a healthy eating one, which i treated myself too the other day as they where on offer.
Ahhh yes I love the healthy eating one! Some of the recipes in there are very very nommy. The healthy muffins and such are scrumptious!!

I've got the "what to expect when you're expecting" I like it.

I am now wondering what baby development book to get for it is born.

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