Can anyone recommend good pregnancy books?

I'm not sure but why don't you take a trip to the local library and have a browse, you could borrow some and then the ones you really love you could buy without the expense of ones you really don't like

Thats a really good idea!

Personally I don't like the idea of pregnancy books. Yes they may be able to give you good advice, but they weren't around hundreds of years ago and women were having babies then! I just don't think that a book can prepare you for a baby, nothing can like the real thing!! x

People didn't have the internet and forums hundreds of years ago either lol.
I just love reading up on what's going on in there and what new developments my LO is going through each week.

I think ur right in that nothing can prepare u, and I, personally, am not reading the books to be prepared for baby, just to know exactly what's going on in body lol x

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I've got the day by day one which is good its by Maggie Bolt x
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Thank you ladies - I feel a shopping trip coming on at the weekend :-) Xxx
I'm same as you jayjay-I know nothing will prepare me. Hell, not even my weekends spent with my little nephews is going to even get me close. But I find it fascinating. Technology is a wonderful thing and I feel so connected to my girl cause each day/week I can learn about her journey in there. I'm sharing the learning with my mum too-she never even had a scan with me or my younger brother. Despite her having 2 healthy pregnancies and shes done all this before, she's loving all this too.

I'm amazed at how my know my knowledge has increased to the point where my brain feels full over the last 6 months. I just love it. God bless the Internet And books! And also this forum and all the lovely people I've met. Xxx
So is it worth getting a pregnancy book? The internet has so much info (some of it is not so accurate though) so I'm not sure I'm in 2 minds at the moment
So is it worth getting a pregnancy book? The internet has so much info (some of it is not so accurate though) so I'm not sure I'm in 2 minds at the moment

I would recommend getting one, I've loved reading up on it :) x

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I'm not sure but why don't you take a trip to the local library and have a browse, you could borrow some and then the ones you really love you could buy without the expense of ones you really don't like

Thats a really good idea!

Personally I don't like the idea of pregnancy books. Yes they may be able to give you good advice, but they weren't around hundreds of years ago and women were having babies then! I just don't think that a book can prepare you for a baby, nothing can like the real thing!! x

People didn't have the internet and forums hundreds of years ago either lol.
I just love reading up on what's going on in there and what new developments my LO is going through each week.

I think ur right in that nothing can prepare u, and I, personally, am not reading the books to be prepared for baby, just to know exactly what's going on in body lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Fair point! Never even thought about that!! I do have apps and things, just not keen on the books. I do like seeing how my baby is developing each week, which is why I like the apps x
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Ooh, lots of ideas for when I go shopping tomorrow :-) thank you xxx

Today I got a fab book on eBay - 'What to eat when you're pregnant' by Rana Conway. Condition as new, bought for 99p lol. can't wait for the postman to deliver it :-)
Tomorrow I think I am going to look for a pregnancy day by day book so I can see how my baby is developing and growing - its sooooo exciting, I can't stop grinning :-)
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Thanks for the recommendation of the day by day book ladies. :)

I've got quite a lot in my PayPal account and just ordered it from eBay.

I have What to Expect. And it's good. But I love the idea of the day by day book. :)

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