Pregnancy Books


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Can anyone recommend any good pregnancy books? I have come across Your Pregnancy Bible, it has some very good reviews. Does anyone know if it is worth buying?

Thanks :)

I've got it and it's pretty good. It has a week by week section to what the baby looks like and then another week by week one of what will be happening to you.

When I told my cousin I was pregnant, she recommended the Best friends guide to pregnancy - it's kind of an honest guide rather than a medical type book.
I recommend 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'
i brought
Your Pregnancy Week by Week when we first found out, which is pretty good, but the on the weekend i got a bood called bregnancy questions and answers, which funnily enough, it really good and reasuring.
awww thanks everyone, I can see I am going to have a full library of books, better start making some room on the shelves :D
I recently bought the following books in preparation:

1. What to Expect When You're Expecting

2. The Bloke's Guide to Pregnancy :rotfl:

3. Your Step-by-Step Plan for Creating a Phenomenal Family :D

4. What to Expect the First Year

I think I have covered all angles!! What do you reckon? :D
Snuggle said:
I recommend 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'

That was my bible when i was expecting my first :D great book and very informative especially for first time mums to be... the follow on What to expect in the first year is excellent aswell ;)

I've just ordered a copy of Spiritual Midwifery which was recommended by a friend who is a Doula and another friend who found it excellent to read and she felt empowered to have a very succesful homebirth after reading it :)
Snuggle said:
I recommend 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'

Me too, best book of the lot. The follow on, What to expect in the first year is great too.
Happybunny said:
Snuggle said:
I recommend 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'

Me too, best book of the lot. The follow on, What to expect in the first year is great too.

iv got this one and its brill!

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