Pregnancy and cats...


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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does anyone here have cats... and if so have you noticed them acting different since you got pregnant? My 3 cats (2 boys 1 girl) have pretty much always kept to themselves, but now all they want to do is sit on my belly!!

It's like they know and are protecting me, they REALLY don't like it when my dog comes near me now :eh:
I've heard a lot of people say this. My cat was the opposite though! I think most cats love a pregnant mummy x
I hope I get far enough this time to see how my girl reacts?

She is so spoilt though so I imagine she wouldn't like any "competition" :shock: :shock:

I've literally got everything crossed for you carnat!!!

It's a little weird having 3 cats fighting over who gets to sit on me lol
My 3 cats haven't done this and I was really hoping they would lol. I love cats that snuggle up, but none of mine are lap cats particularly. I have a momma cat who is about 2 years old and her boys who are about 8 months now.
My cat did exactly this, I'm sure he knew very early on.

Either that or he figured I was the toastiest place to sit for a while at the beginning lol
I also have 3 cats, 2 boys and a girl as well and they have been very cuddly on and off throughout my pregnancy, more so in the first and second trimester.
I was asking my OH about this a few days ago actually. As cats have sensitive hearing I wondered if they could somehow "hear" bub much earlier? Or if it's just a sixth sense.

My cat is currently curled up, fast aseelp on her new favorite bed - my handbag!

Cats are very intuitive arent they. I'd love a pussy cat but with 4 boisterous kids and two small dogs who think they are cats, any cat in our house would soon pack its bags x
My cat mr Beans (profile pic!) has taken to trying to sleep on my belly- I know eventually i need to lock him ut of the bedroom but I don't have the heart yet- instead I have to push him off my belly when he tries to sleep on it- i sleep on my side so its no mean feat for him to contort his body to sleep on my belly but he is a huge cat 5.5 kg and me and bubs just can't take it!

FX for you Carnat22
my cat was like that used to lie on my tummy
I don;t think it's just cats :) my two dogs are the same, one of them especially she won;t leave me alone, if I change rooms she follows me, at night she will sit as close as she can next to me and rest her head on baby even when he is kicking her up the side of the head :)

My cat has wanted to sit with me from early on, but now she likes to get as close to my boobs as poss ........
My oh says she can smell milk but I just think she is a freak lol
i have 2 cats, the male one has taken MORE of a liking to laying on me and getting as close to bump as possible, he usually just rests a paw on it, the female cat doesnt so much wanna lay on my bump or even lap but she has taken to sitting behind my head and licking my hair which she never ever did before, its quite weird getting groomed by the cat :rofl: x
isn't this strange! every house i've visited (with my work) since my BFP i've had cats trying to sit on my knee or belly with the owners constantly apologising lol - i've never been made such a fuss of!
Sorry meant to say pink bot oink bloody auto correct!!
My kitties are allllllll over me. Especially my boy cat (who is the oldest), he sits on belly when Im sat down, when I am asleep on my side he will sleep next to me like a person - making husband jealous :D
Nermal started acting like this before I even knew I was pregnant. She's been very protective and just wants to constantly be with me.
This so funny i was thinking this the other day and it hadn't dawned on me! I have 3 cats (2 boys and 1 girl) They have all be extra affectionate ( they are anyway) but normally not at the same time - last night one laid on the back of the couch right at my shoulder with his paw on my shoulder and the other sat staring at me next to me until he curled up in a ball next to my tummy!! Lol im very early on but this is unusual for them!! so they must be able to sense something. Maybe we are letting of hormones they can smell?

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