Hi all
I was wondering if anybody has experienced a placental abruption before?
My daughter who is almost 8 years old now and healthy etc, was delivered at 36 + 4 via a crash c section due to an abruption. She was only 3lb 14oz and spent aprox 2 weeks in scbu.
Thanks to docs picking up her dipping heart rate when I went in with awful abdominal pain we were both lucky to survive.
At the time I didn't know the full implications of an abruption and was just focussing on getting my daughter strong and well.
as far as I am aware, the cause for the abruption is unknown and no problems were identified prior to the delivery.
I am now 5 weeks pregnant, have had my gp apt to confirm and refer me to midwife etc and am taking 400 mcg folic acid daily - that's it
I have around 4 weeks to see the midwife and understand this preg will be deemed as high risk as once you've had 1 abruption youre at a greater risk of another, plus her low birth weight and the fact she was c section etc
From what I gather from googling, Im likely to be under consultant care etc which I am all for! I couldn't bare it to all happen again or even worse.
I have read some ladies that have been through this are on asprin daily right from bfp and 500 mg folic acid aswell as all the additional monitoring etc.
I'll be 8 or 9 weeks by time I see midwife let alone get refd to consultant, what if I should be taking these too :-/
Any experiences ladies??? re the aspirin and folic acid but also in general, how were/is your subsequent pregnanacy
Happy to hear from anybody the more I know the better. Sorry for the long post xx
I was wondering if anybody has experienced a placental abruption before?
My daughter who is almost 8 years old now and healthy etc, was delivered at 36 + 4 via a crash c section due to an abruption. She was only 3lb 14oz and spent aprox 2 weeks in scbu.
Thanks to docs picking up her dipping heart rate when I went in with awful abdominal pain we were both lucky to survive.
At the time I didn't know the full implications of an abruption and was just focussing on getting my daughter strong and well.
as far as I am aware, the cause for the abruption is unknown and no problems were identified prior to the delivery.
I am now 5 weeks pregnant, have had my gp apt to confirm and refer me to midwife etc and am taking 400 mcg folic acid daily - that's it
I have around 4 weeks to see the midwife and understand this preg will be deemed as high risk as once you've had 1 abruption youre at a greater risk of another, plus her low birth weight and the fact she was c section etc
From what I gather from googling, Im likely to be under consultant care etc which I am all for! I couldn't bare it to all happen again or even worse.
I have read some ladies that have been through this are on asprin daily right from bfp and 500 mg folic acid aswell as all the additional monitoring etc.
I'll be 8 or 9 weeks by time I see midwife let alone get refd to consultant, what if I should be taking these too :-/
Any experiences ladies??? re the aspirin and folic acid but also in general, how were/is your subsequent pregnanacy
Happy to hear from anybody the more I know the better. Sorry for the long post xx