Prefering 1 boob to the other


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Is it possible/normal that kieron prefers my left boob to my right? He never takes much from the right side and he's constantly on and off it wen he does feed-I'm gonna have to express some off it in the morning cos it's really full but he's just not interested whereas he'l suckle for hours at the left.

Any tips to help him like both?
Yeah we were told at the nct breastfeeding workshop that babies sometimes prefer feeding lying on one side. Their advice was to try the rugby ball hold for the other side so that the baby is lying on their same side. Not sure if that actually makes sense.
Yeah I know wot u mean-I might try it later on. I managed a good feed out of both durin the night and he slept 3 hours which is a new nightime record :D
Someone told me that milk can taste slightly different in one boob but I don't know if that is true! ella prefers my right boob at the mo-maybe its like main course vs pudding lol!
Jaz prefers the right i express the left so i don't end up lopsided :)
Cahal def prefers the right boob, I find it easier to hold him on that side and think he picks up on that. He still feeds fine on the left though, he just fidgets more!
Maisie prefers my left but will now go on the right aslong as i lert her have the left before xx
Evie likes my right but she gave me quite a big blood blister on that nipple so was trying to just feed her on the left. Mw advised that Id get mastitis that way, and that I need to rest each boob equal length of times. So one boob per feed etc. He's back on the right one now after learning a new position to use!x
We feed both sides fine, but takes longer to get him sorted and up and running on my left side tho as this boob always seems to get more full and hold less if you know what I mean, so he can't get such a good hold on nipple till a bit has emptied out then he settles - would it be something like that Emma?

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