Pre-natal Vitamins


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2007
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I've been taking folic acid every day since ttc but I was reading it might be a good idea to start taking prenatal vitamins as well to help with calcium etc.

Do you guys take them and if so which ones would you recommend?
I knows there Pregnacare, supermarket brands of those too, other than that i'm not too sure

Because i have to have a restricted diet due to Crohns Disease (hardly any fruit and veg) Im probably not getting the correct nutrients for baby so i take Sanatagen Prenatal vitamins and minerals (3 for 2 in boots) I also take a calcium suppliment and have vitamin B12 injections.

Claire x
If you are eating a balanced diet then pregnancy vitamins are not needed tbh. Your baby will get everything it needs from you that way :)

I took some for a few weeks during first tri when morning sickness kicked in but once past that stopped and just ensured my diet was decent. Stopped me going down the crap food route and relying on vitamin pills to do the job instead :lol: Also I was told that natural intake in food absorbs far better into your body than in pill form.
I'm going to try hard to eat a balanced diet but I'm just wary because my Mum lost her teeth when she had me because of a lack of calcium in her diet. :think:
I was taking tesco pre natal vits!
But the iron in them made me sick so I stopped!!
I haven't taken any at all (part from the folic acid).

I've been force feeding myself fruit and veg though so I'm hoping I've made up for it! xx
I started taking the sanatogen ones this cycle (as luck would have it) rather than just folic acid as that is what I was having before. They are for pre-conception and pregnancy and come in a pink packet/pot - forget the proper title, think its pro-natal or something similar.

I also bought (but havent started taking yet as I still have a few of the sanatogen ones) superdrugs own version (they look exactly the same and have pretty much the same vits in) because they were on offer at half price. :D
Last time i took the sanatogen pro natal as reccomended by the doctor but this time ive been taking sainsbury's own folic acid and also ive been taking vitamin c aswell :D

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