Pre-eclampsia symptoms? Any advixe gladly to be taken on board :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2014
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Hi girls :)

For the last 2 weeks ive had headache it starts off dull in the mornings ans then gradually gets worse. But Wednesday night was the worst its been I couldn't even sit downstairs with oh watching the TV cuz of how bad it felt went to bed and kept waking up cuz of the headache and couldn't get comfy.
It lasted all day yesterday as well and when I was pickin up my son from school I noticed I a little visual disturbances I could see little dots but that went after a few minutes so didnt think much of it.
Im trying to tell myself the visual disturbances that didnt last long cant be related to pre-eclampsia and that it was a one off.
Also have swollen hands/feet feels like the skins been pulled tight half the time and can tell my hands are swollen cuz I cant get my eternity ring back on and had to loosen up my converse cuz they felt tight when I put them on.

I did try and phone midwife yesterday but she didnt even answer her phone. Phoned doctors and got a call back saying to keep an eye on things and if they get worse to phone the hospital.

Just wondering if it is sure start signs of pre-eclampsia or not? Obviously I had it with my youngest son but I didn't have the typical symptoms.
Sounds a big like it to me hun. I'd ring your MAU if I was you, and just ask if you can get checked out for your own peace of mind xx
You need your wee testing. I woukd insist your midwife sees you so and checks you over. Turn up at the hospital if you have to, it's not fair that its causing you so much worry. Xxx
My midwife is useless she doesnt see me as much as shes supposed too cuz im high risk Last time I saw her I was 30 weeks and she doesnt wanna see me til im 36 weeks.
Ive gotta wait for ohs mom to come round to have the kids before I can go anywhere as shes the only one who can have them as ive had a fall out with my mom and others in my family.
Feeling so tired as well not sleeping properly either so thats not helping with anything. X
Definitely go get checked out for piece of mind. I had visual disturbances and a headache but when I got checked over by my mw she said it sounded like I was dehydrated and that it could be a migraine as I do suffer with them anyway. She tested my BP and my wee which came back fine but she's kept a good eye on me ever since because of it. Sounds like you're feeling pretty rough too, please do what's best for you and baba xxx
Definitely sounds like pre eclampsia symptoms. Definitely go to the doctors or hospital to check your BP checked.
Definitely get this checked, pre eclampsia can come on quite sudden. Go to triage at your hospital if midwife is uncooperative. I hope all is well, but better to get it checked xx
I'm being checked for this, and been told to watch out for headaches, dazzled/seeing stars, pain in right hand check below breast, high BP and protein in urine.

Fingers crossed you'll be ok
Lloyds pharmacy will check your blood pressure for free if you have one of those nearby.

Hope you can speak to midwife tho x
Im going to be book in at docs today did get contact with midwife and she didnt seem bothered at all she just said if it gets worse then to go to the hospital.
Dawnmariexox have you had swelling of the hands and feet as well? The swelling in my hands and feet can be painful and feels tight if make a fist with my hands or if I curl my toes or anything like that. So the swelling must be bad for me.
My midwife is useless tbh its like she dont give a stuff tbh x
Sometimes my ankles swell when at work mostly sat down all day, then it feels like I've got water balloons slushing around my ankles when I walk!
Do you have to option to drop a urine sample at the docs for the practice nurse to check? I had pre eclampsia with my first pregnancy and the first symptoms for me were feeling generally crap, then urine showed a lot of protein but my blood pressure was okay. I was admitted twice for checks until everything returned to normal, even had the steroid injections just in case they delivered early, but I went full term and developed it again during labour with chest pains as well so had emergency section in the end.
Hopefully you've got to see your gp by now?
Ive saw midwife today checked BP and urine everything fine. Said the swelling is normal but its just the way its going to be but if anything changes then straight to hospital I go.
Worst thing is now ive had braxton hicks pretty much all day but got consultant and scan Monday so will see what he says x
With my pre-eclampsia, it started with swelling in my feet; then I had little silver flashy light things but with no real headache to speak of. I pretty much ignored it. I had this for around 6 weeks before I had the mother of all migraines, which was swiftly followed by rapid swelling of my hands, legs, face etc., bp shot up, proteinuria and weird bloods. Consultant said it started around 28 weeks as my bloods then weren't particularly normal (although mw hadn't done anything about them) and that's when my swelling started.

So yes, it can start with little flashing lights and swelling. Just keep an eye. I'd definitely try to get them to check your bp and urine just in case. Hope you were able to see a doctor.
I saw midwife today and urine was fine BP was okay and told me if I feel like any of the other symptoms are getting worse then straight upto to the hospital I go x

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