Prams/ Travel systems help!?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

I am completely mindstruck about bloody prams!!!!!!

Where do i start?

Whats the best?

I havent been to look at any physically yet as i am waiting till after the 20 weeks scan, BUT i have been looking online for an idea and i think it's made it worse?!

I just have no idea :wall2:
Do you have a budget xx
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yeah lol but dont know what it is yet!

My mum is meant to be buying the pram and i know she has seen one for 350 so i am guessing about that?

Is there somewhere you can actually go and view/try them? There are so many and so many options. Like when LO is 6 months and goes in buggy do you want them facing out or inwards? I wanted LO facing inwards which meant I had to change buggy's.... again lol I didn't think I would mind him facing out, but 6 months is so young still and he used to hate facing out after a while and also I couldn't talk with him. He's 14 months now and still facing me!

Do you think you'll use a pram, or always car seat mode?

So many options argh lol
I have this silver cross 3d and I love it, costs 300 and this included changing bag , footmuff and raincover but you need to buy the car seat separate if you want to use it as a travel system.

Babies r us do some great travel systems which include a car seat for about 300 xx
Hey Hun,

Until we went it and tested them out we didn't have a clue!! We knew what we required ie. somthing that would be good for nice long walks and I had heard good things about the iCandy range from friends but I still wasn't sure. I thought just from looking at them that I wanted a Silvercross surf but found it too flimsy....

I guess until you go in and look at them you won't know x
You need to decide what you need from a travel system before You even go to look like does it need to fit in a small boot, face what way, carrycot as a Moses basket or not, height of handle etc as its the biggest purchase that needs to adapt to your lifestyle.
I've got myself confused hon but like the others have said, until we go and take them for a 'spin' we'll not be able to make a proper decision.

Excited to get passed 20 weeks as this is when I'd like to try them out. At the moment me and OH are set on buggaboo but it is very pricey so it better be bloody good!

I've already decided I want the Silvercross 3d pram system, it's £300 in Mothercare at the min with a free matching car seat!
When I first started looking I wanted the Silvercross Sleepover.. Then I went and tried it in the shops and really didn't like it, its just whatever feels right for you...

We have now chosen the Mama's & Papa's Ultima 9 in 1 Xcel Chassis - Mimi ...x
I've already decided I want the Silvercross 3d pram system, it's £300 in Mothercare at the min with a free matching car seat!

i was gonna say this as that is were i had mine from £300 plus change bag foot muff and cosytoes included and free car seat!!

just paid 20-25 for the parasol :) cant beat a good bargain...whatever you decide make sure you have a good luck around at prices and offers as there are a lot of bargains out there u just gotta find em xx
Ive kinda always hAD MY eye on the Hauck Condor as it comes with everything id need and was a bargain price of under £200 as dont really wanna pay much more then this well my dad is buying and i dnt wanna take the mickey.... Ive seen brilliant reviews online but mixed reviews on here...arghh x
My LO is six months old now and I've loved my graco symbio. It's been a great purchase.
I'm with tinkerbelle. Decide what you want from it first, does it need to fit in a boot, would you use public transport a lot, is patent facing a big plus. There are certain points that will rule out a lot of systems right away.

And playing with them is definitely a must. Xxx
We liked the oyster, but then found the mamas and papas sola for a lot less money and it basically does the same job. Definitely shop around as we thought we wanted the quinny buzz but actually found others that were better once we looked x
I agree, maybe look at some online, but then go and have a play with them. We thought we wanted one but when we saw it in real life it seemed flimsy and unsuitable. Also we found that some were so heavy I would struggle to lift them in the boot if I went out on my own. Then we found some we liked but you had to buy everything (from carrycot to cosy toes) separately so it really drove up the cost. We ended up liking ones I never would've looked at online. Good luck :) xxx
Babies r us have a fab deal on a travel system at the mo it's exclusive to them you get the carrycot buggy carseat and footmuff for just over 300. I'm thinking about it as it looks very like the quinny buzz
I've seen that one too Amy but wondered if it was any good as there's no reviews on it. Very good price. x

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