Pram? Pushchair? Travel system?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Ok just cant get into buying anything for baby!
we still have lots of Lukes stuff but we got rid of his pram as we could not get it into shops properly, we have his pushchair still but its a graco city stroler it dose not lie back and graco said its the only one they made that cant be converted into travel system.
So I need help we dont no what to get, i want somethink that the baby can lie flat, we use the cars alot please help me
ive got a graco travel system which is great cause you can use the car seat or the buggy which lyes flat :)
Hi hun,

I have been looking at the Loola, it folds away very compact, you can use just the car seat and chasis for the first 6-9months, and then have it as a pushchair, the actual pushchair clips onto the chasis.

It is very light and folds up extremely small.

They are lovely but dead pricey!
I got a travel system and it was great, but not very compact. As soon as Damo could hold his head up though I got a stroller (just a cheap one from Mothercare) which is so handy. But then I spent alot on a new buggy like the Bugaboo :lol: which isn;t compact or small, but I love it and Damien looks comfy!
I've got a graco travel system aswell which the baby can go in the car seat in or it lies back flat aswell.

Its handy 4 me coz im also in the car alot so its good to have everything with me.
i like the trenton from mothercare. it has the pram that lays back and it also has the car seat.
the best thing about it is that it has a carrycot type thing that lays in the pram when it's flat so thewt have extra comfort.
it also has all the extra's and is not too bad on the price either
Thank you they are realy nice,I cant find the Graco one, was it expensive?
Cant aford to much as I have been signed of work through all my pregnancy
shelby1998 said:
i like the trenton from mothercare. it has the pram that lays back and it also has the car seat.
the best thing about it is that it has a carrycot type thing that lays in the pram when it's flat so thewt have extra comfort.
it also has all the extra's and is not too bad on the price either

i have this one it is really nice its about £200 a bit expensive but it will last
im getting the mothercare trenton deluxe... its a travel system and it lies flat as well. but its not small...
Yeah it dose seem a bit big i just thought the coulor was nice anyway its a bit expensive, but its like anything els what dose the oh think of it,
he wants a 3 wheeler but how often will he be taking it out compared to me?
We were looking at the Britax Voyaga system (there are also in boots). OH is mad about this Isofix system for extra safety so I've left the travel system issue up to him.

He loves looking at all those WHICH? reports and stuff. Keeps him happy - and involved.
Shaz said:
We were looking at the Britax Voyaga system (there are also in boots). OH is mad about this Isofix system for extra safety so I've left the travel system issue up to him.

He loves looking at all those WHICH? reports and stuff. Keeps him happy - and involved.

Hi just found this one in toys r us on line ond its on sale just thought you might be interested

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