Pram? Pushchair? Travel System? HELP!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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I have no clue what to get! My sister has 3 kids and has had about three times as many prams, so you'd think she'd be good for advice. Unfortunately she's moaned about everyt single one of them and has had punctures, handle issues, wheels falling off.. so although I know what NOT to get.. I'm still in the dark!

I'd really appreciate knowing what you guys are getting or already have.. especially from those of you with little ones already who have some pram experience!

I won't have to collapse it into the car myself and it'll mainly be used for town and the park rather than 'offroading' :D I'm pretty sure I want a carrycot as we'll be doing a bit of visiting early on, but I don't mind getting a separate car seat if necessary. I've got no stairs to go up to get into the house and would like a storage tray thingy underneath.

So.. suggestions please? Price isn't really an issue.. but I do love a bargain ;) xx
ive went for the i candy in red and love it-Its so light and small- get it at the end of may- I was stuck cause i like the silver cross 3d too but went for the cherry as my OH liked it better.. Why dnt u go round mothercare and the pram centers and have a look and try them out get a better idea ? x
I've had a look at the iCandy and it does look cool :D
I will go round Mothercare etc and see what catches my eye.. but I'm hoping for a bit of practical advice as well :D My sister's pram adventures have made it very clear that just because it's pretty doesn't mean it's any good, lol, and I really just want to get the right one first time and be done with it! xxx
We've bought the Mothercare Xtreme in grey. We've had it since Christmas because it was on offer! :) x
Heheh I wish I'd been brave enough to take advantage of the sales! It just seemed too soon for me :)
Are you pleased with it Claire? xx
We've got the Mclaren GT LX. It came with a carry cot and loads of other stuff. Got a really good deal in a 1 day sale, ended up costing us £150.00 instead of £600.00!
I definitely agree that it's a good idea to have a look at mothercare and other places to get an idea of what you like.
We've got the Mclaren GT LX. It came with a carry cot and loads of other stuff. Got a really good deal in a 1 day sale, ended up costing us £150.00 instead of £600.00!
I definitely agree that it's a good idea to have a look at mothercare and other places to get an idea of what you like.

my hubby wanted that one when we were at the baby show at the weekend....the headlights and remote control did it for him I think :)

we have ordered the silver cross surf, but I cant give you any practical advice as its not here yet and wont be used until july lol
I got the Hauk Condor 11 on sale in Sainsburys - came with carry cot, car seat for £175. Only bought it so early because it was such a good deal - and looks like the silver cross one i really wanted but couldnt afford x


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we have got the silver cross 3d in ebony... its not ready yet but got a good deal everything inc for £299 :) only bad reviews i've come across is basket underneath not very easy to get to xxx

hmm dunno if this worked but this is what i got

quinny buzz 3

mines in reflection red and i didnt get the carry cot bit, it looks wicked with car seat and it so light as well, love it an it will see the baby threw for a good while

with my first i had a big mother care one and it was a pain as soon as remy was big enough i shoved him in a normal push chair coz it was easier to get about x x
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We've got the Mclaren GT LX. It came with a carry cot and loads of other stuff. Got a really good deal in a 1 day sale, ended up costing us £150.00 instead of £600.00!
I definitely agree that it's a good idea to have a look at mothercare and other places to get an idea of what you like.

my hubby wanted that one when we were at the baby show at the weekend....the headlights and remote control did it for him I think :)

we have ordered the silver cross surf, but I cant give you any practical advice as its not here yet and wont be used until july lol

I didn't even know it had lights and a remote control until I'd got it home! Our remote control doesn't work but can still turn the lights on by hand!
We've got the Mclaren GT LX. It came with a carry cot and loads of other stuff. Got a really good deal in a 1 day sale, ended up costing us £150.00 instead of £600.00!
I definitely agree that it's a good idea to have a look at mothercare and other places to get an idea of what you like.

my hubby wanted that one when we were at the baby show at the weekend....the headlights and remote control did it for him I think :)

we have ordered the silver cross surf, but I cant give you any practical advice as its not here yet and wont be used until july lol

I didn't even know it had lights and a remote control until I'd got it home! Our remote control doesn't work but can still turn the lights on by hand!

my hubby keeps saying he must love me too much to give up headlights etc and let me have the one I like lol
My OH hasn't even seen ours yet as I'm storing it at my dads. he's not bothered by things like headlights though!
During our search we ended up with UPPA BABY. Initially appears on the higher end, but overall features, and ability to turn into a two person carrier made it attractive. UPPA BABY is very popular in the US. try I know that Kiddicare and groovy style stock this pram.

Good luck! Let us know what you end up with :)

hmm dunno if this worked but this is what i got

quinny buzz 3

mines in reflection red and i didnt get the carry cot bit, it looks wicked with car seat and it so light as well, love it an it will see the baby threw for a good while

with my first i had a big mother care one and it was a pain as soon as remy was big enough i shoved him in a normal push chair coz it was easier to get about x x

Same as!!! We reserved ours in black last weekend so picking it up on Sunday! So excited by a pushchair!!!
like the girls have said, have a look round all your local shops that stock prams ect, and have a good play with them untill you have a style you like in mind!
we really liked the silvercross linear freeway, and should last a while! our godson's pram is a silvercross 3D and we'd pushed him in it quite a lot so decided that the freeway was the one we wanted :) after a lot of consideration on how, when and where to buy it i ended up finding one on ebay that had only been used a few times, and managed to get it for £150 still with all the extras :)
good luck x
i got the huack malibu from, but the condor is good value aswell :)
i have icandy apple love it!! cos it can convert to double too :) icandy peach is gunna b my next, id recommend carrycot and pref. chassis that holds car seat on its own for early days - soooo handy!!!! xxx
Look at the graco symbio travel system (in mars colour scheme) not the cheapest but looks amazing. Hopefully that's what I'm getting, had it recommended by a girl in tri 3 and she loves it x

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