

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I know from hearing around and from my sister-in-law that powder is no longer recommended to use on a baby, and I understand if it contains talc, but can anyone tell me why it shouldn't be used if it doesn't contain talc? My mother was asking and I couldn't say.
IIRC it has something to do with baby inhaling it into their lungs and that not being good. Causes them to swell or some such. Plus doesn't it block pores? There is no benefit whatsoever in using power/talc. If you dry baby off well that is enough :)

I stick to plain water for washing, either olive oil or Calendula lotion (natural product) for skin moisturising and thats it. Never use powder, baby lotions or any such stuff.
I don't want to use powder or anything else that seems artificial, but when I told my mother about the powder, she just didn't get it. I said I think it may have to do with breathing it in, and she said that they won't breathe it in if you use the tiniest amount just for their creases. I explained I would want to let them "air dry" and she was telling me that wouldn't always be possible if we were out and about, and that it's very difficult to dry in the folds... I didn't really know what to say. It's the only time my mother has shown disagreement with me about baby stuff!
See i bought the big Johnsons Box that contained everything in! I have no idea when i'm gonna use it. It has the talc and even a bar of soap. But i can't use soap on myself as it makes my skin too dry, so i won't use it on my baby. I just never know when i'm suppose to use this stuff. Was a brilliant idea at the time. But i just use the box! Lol
LOL I got one of them when I was having my DD who is 6 1/2! I still have the talc on my dressing table lmao! :lol:
I use it for face powder cos I have such pale skin and its difficult to find cheap, light coloured face powder in spain. :D
this mght be a bit weird but i put talc on his vest under his t-shirt that way he smells lovely but it doesnt touch his skin!
I do the same. I love it when he smells nice. x

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