washing the clothes


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Hi everyone!

Maheen is still battling with eczema :wall: :wall: :wall: , and I have decided to change our washing liquid and softener!

However, I have NO IDEA what to use! I have done a search on the forum, and I seem to find only persil washing POWDER or Fairy.

We cannot used powder, so it's no help.
Could people tell me what they have been using as a washing liquid first and then, as a softener? something nice for sensitive/dry/atopic skin, please.

Many thanks
Love from Mel xx
Have you tried soapnuts? This website do a free sample


They're pretty good on all but the most soiled of clothes and if you like frangrance you could add a touch of essential oil to the drawer. Lavender or Tea tree are great for troubed skin :)
I have quite bad eczema and when I was young, my skin could not tolerate any biological washing products. All non-bio's were fine. We use ecover non-bio and it works fine for me. Whereabouts is her eczema? Is it concentrated anywhere - like on her face, her torso, her hands etc? Mainly because where it is can give you an idea whats going on... If it's on her face and particularly round her mouth for example, it could be that she is regularly ingesting something she is allergic too; torso could be washing powder, hands can be down to habitual scratching, which can be triggered by a contact allergy like pet hair etc.

Also, do bear in mind that although it looks awful, it's NEVER as bad for the person with eczema as it is for the people living with them. I know this from personal experience :D At the end of the day, it is just a rash and although it can be uncomfortable, it's not that serious - when I was little the thing that used to really upset me about my condition was how upset it made other people, and my mother's exasperation at not being able to make it go away. So although Maheen may look uncomfortable, it can be quite be quite satisfying to have a good scratch..... Uncomfortable times are if your clothes stick to you, if it's impeding your movement and after bathing, when it's nice to smother yourself in really thick cream like aqueous cream, epaderm etc. Are you using oilatum in her bath, avoiding soap, and talking about food allergies with your dr? Pm me if you want to as well. There's lots you can do to help, and most children who have eczema do grow out of it at some point.
Thank you Gingerpig!
That was helpful!

Well, her eczema is on her face but not around her mouth, more next to the eyes and cheeks. it also comes on the shoulders and in the folds of the arms and legs. On her torso, it's mainly around her nipples.
I make her wear vests all the time under any other clothes, to kind of protect the skin. And yes, She doesn't wear tight clothing. I try and avoid to make her cry as this seems to make it worse, and I haven't realised yet if it's due to a food allergy! :think:
In the bath, we put oilatum oil, and wewash her with aqueous cream.
For the moment, the only thing which really helps is putting on her a mixture I get from france (olive oil + calcium), and hydro-cortison ointment (not cream...it did not do anything!)
Thanks for your help anyway
Mel xx
You say you cant use powder....can you use the Fairy Liquitabs? They come in a box and you just put them in the drum with the washing, they seem to be very good for sensitive skin as far as im aware :)
melhoney said:
Thank you Gingerpig!
That was helpful!

Well, her eczema is on her face but not around her mouth, more next to the eyes and cheeks. it also comes on the shoulders and in the folds of the arms and legs. On her torso, it's mainly around her nipples.
I make her wear vests all the time under any other clothes, to kind of protect the skin. And yes, She doesn't wear tight clothing. I try and avoid to make her cry as this seems to make it worse, and I haven't realised yet if it's due to a food allergy! :think:
In the bath, we put oilatum oil, and wewash her with aqueous cream.
For the moment, the only thing which really helps is putting on her a mixture I get from france (olive oil + calcium), and hydro-cortison ointment (not cream...it did not do anything!)
Thanks for your help anyway
Mel xx

Glad it helped! The eczema on her face sounds like it could be due to something going into the eyes - does she cause it by her rubbing her eyes? This might not be that helpful, as by going in the eyes I mean something like dust, fragrance, smoke, pollen (even at this time of year - tree pollens), moulds etc. Is she a snuffly baby as well? I've found when my eyes are effected, my nose usually is as well, and sometimes if you treat the nose, the eyes improve. If she is a snuffly baby, it MIGHT be (I have no idea, and you will need to ask your dr) that something like vaseline rubbed just inside her nostrils might help. As I said I have NO idea if this is ok for one so young, and you would have to ask your gp first. I find it helpful sometimes.

The eczema on her body sounds like it could be a mixture of sweat induced irritation (the bits in the folds which is very common) and also contact with something. Especially the irritation around her nipples which to me does suggest a contact irritation. As well as looking at the type of washing powder/liquid you are using, you can also think about the types of clothes. A lot of people suggest 100% cotton. If she is getting irritation due to sweat, I think cotton is supposed to help with that too, as it allows the skin to breathe more than nylon.

One thing I find really useful is that once I'm out of the birth, I put on a thick layer of epaderm ointment, plus unguentum m and olive oil. This really helps, although atm I'm getting lots of fungal rashes due to being pregnant. It might be that you need to dry the folds more so that fungal infections cant get hold - but you would need to check that these are fungal infections with your gp. Putting a nice thick layer of cream on is fantastic after a bath as it really locks all that moisture in. I personally find ointment better than cream as cream can be way too drying.

Not sure about the crying except that stress can make eczema worse, but not necessarily. Sometimes it does for, sometimes not. Good luck!

Ooooo i just thought as well, you may get some help by trying her on a course of acidophilus. Sorry to be personal, but did/are you breastfeeding her? That provides some protection, but it's probably too late to start lol. Studies have shown that when babies aren't breastfed, they still gain some help by being given acidophilus. I dont know the dosage, I would suggest you contact the eczema society and your gp about that one. The studies were really convincing, although as further tests need to be done, they are not recommending a specific dosage: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/2946342.stm

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