potty training

At the nursery I work in we try and promote potty training at about 2 years old when they are saying more and can say i need a wee wee etc.

9 months old is just silly...thats still a baby and will be upsetting and daunting for the child. I dont know why parents do that, its more for their pride to say "oh my baby is potty trained already" than it is for the child and I dont think its right, things should be done in due course and not forced upon children before it is needed!

At that age they have got walking etc and other firsts to think about not potty training ! :roll:
Very interesting thread! :)

Well, I was gonna wait but this week end, Maheen just made her first ever sentence (in French of course!!!!!!!) :clap: :clap:
She was sitting on the floor, as usual, playing with her stacking tower, her dad was next to her on his PC and I was in front, cooking, and she said: " maman, papa, caca!" (I think you can make up what maman and papa are, and caca means poo!!!!)
I thought I dreamt, but I looked at her and she repeated herself!!! so I checked, and YESSSSSSSSS, there was a poo!!!!!!!! :dance:

so I think I am gonna do it like Hels (BTW, HELLO!!!!!!!!!) and just put her on once a day...she is also interested in me going to the loo! :oops:

Take care everyone!
Mel xx

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