potty training


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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How old do we start to potty train?

im gonna start doing rough bits like letting him run round without a nappy on puttin him on the potty wen he starts going and also putting him on before food etc this summer
but i aint gonna push him as he needs to be able to tell me wen he needs to go
thats what I thought about them telling you. My friend is trying with her 9 month! She read it some where they can learn when they start to sit.

i have read up on this and spoke to my HV and was adviced you should not potty train untill the child is talking. as its linked to the same part as the brain they use to be potty trainned it would be to upsetting and daunting for the child before then
Dior is nearly 2 and i have no intentions of starting untill her speech is better probly about 2 and a half
I know what you mean Dionne i am getting grief from my parents/grandparents saying that i should be sitting him on the potty now and starting to train him, But he shows no idea that he has a wet nappy, he understands when i say 'do you want your nappy changing?' he will take my hand and take me to the stair gate, but only if i ask him.

I'll maybe start in the summer or if he starts indicating that he knows what going on, as i know that if i try and force him to sit on a potty it will just cause problems later on,

My friend sat her baby on the potty from 6 weeks as soon as she fed him, but i don think it made him train any earlier as he is just over 3 now and has only just come out of nappies before christmas.
yes my mum was saying to me when Dior was 1 she should be out of nappies :eek:
most mums i have spoke to say that they tryed when LO was about 2 and a half and it took a matter of weeks till they were dry day and nioght. i imaging it can be upsetting for them when they are to young Dior gets so embarresed when she wees while her nappies is off she runs to under the kitchen sink gets a cloth and trys wiping it up... bless. she hides behind a door when she is poohing in her nappy too or if she is in her buggy she will put her blanket over her face :lol:
Awww, Dionne- that sounds SO cute!

Nine months? I've heard it's worth a try- but too much like hard work.

We started trying with our daughter in the summer time (she happened to turn two that summer), because it's okay to have her run around the garden with no nappy- probaly not so much fun on the lounge carpet! Started trying whenever we were outside- took the potty out (she preferred to wee on the lawn!)- tried to give her the general idea. She was clean (pood only on a potty/toilet) by the middle of September, and out of nappies daytime completely by November. I think it's certainly best to get most of it done in the summer when there's less clearing up and fewer clothes to clean!

Dior will be 2 in march. so this summer should be the best time then :)

my entire house has white carpet :eek:
so il have to lock her outside :lol:
Hey well i have tried for ages to get lewis used to his potty he will say he wants a wee wee and will actually ask for one but the moment you take of his nappy and take him to his pottty or the toilet he wont do anything or if he does he tries to but nothing will come and generally ends up weeing on the carpet :roll: but im not to worried he will do it in his own time although im hoping it will be soon as he's 3 in june :eek:
god i am not looking forward to potty training!!! WEE on the CARPET!!! :rotfl:

Oliver often wees on the carpet, :oops: :oops:

I let him have nappy free time before bed and after bed. I tell him he had a wee but I dont think he knows! I try keep an eye in him but sometimes its too late and I find a wet patch!!!
kieron was out of nappies at 18 months but only because he was getting really bad and i mean bad nappy rash but i wont try hannah till she is about 2 and i can tell u ladies it is much easier in the summer when you can just wash and dry things
It often depends on what nappies you're using too. If they're in disposables its likely they won't potty train so early as they are so good nowadays at drawing stuff away from the skin and they aren't uncomfortable whereas years ago they were always in Terry nappies and these would be uncomfortable when soiled.

I always get it from my mum though saying "I used to hold you over a potty at 12 weeks!!!" How stupid is that. I was probably only just holding up my own head then :rotfl:

My son was out of nappies about 4 months after his 2nd birthday and I did it in the summer as I work in a school and knew i'd have to time to spend with him trying to train him. It was so much easier letting him out on the garden without a nappy! :D

Tan x
I think my Mum told me that I was out of nappies during the day when I was about 18 months but still wore one at night & stopped wearing one at night time when I was about 2- 2 1/2. She said that alot of nurseries won't take them unless they are potty trained, how true that is these days I have no idea (she potty trained about 28 years ago so think things may have changed since then!! :lol:)

I was wondering this too, Kiara is so curious now when i go to the bathroom so i brought her potty out the ones that attach to the toilet and she sat on it and went pee i was in shock, just a fluke though what i might do is once a day puther on it just so she gets used to it, but am not gonna force her or even try and potty train her . She loves flushing the toilet after im done as well .
Yesterday night i had her running around upstairs naked after her bath and she came in our door way looked at us horrified then looked down and was peeing she was so confused i gave her a hug and told her its ok , and Bernie and i laughed it was too cute, then 20 min later she crawled in bed with us and peed on the bed :?

Dionne so cute about Dior , and :? white carpets are no good, are you like me and not really have any hard floors?

Charlie did her 1st wee in her potty about a week ago!
Im not forcing her, each time I take her nappy off, I let her sit on her potty (which she deos v.happily) and tell her to do a wee wee, some times she does, some times she doesnt. I feel its just getting her used to it.
I have heard 2 sides to this story, like Dionne said, you should wait til the LO is talking, and also, when they are able to sit its ok to use the potty.
My Mum had me dry day and night by 18 months from just letting me use the potty from a young age.
Brooke was 2 in the january and i started her the follwing easter as i was at college then and she was in a creche so i did it in the holidays!

Brooke picked it up really well, but as soon as went went back to the creche she would forget and wet herself!

So i left it untill the summer, it was so much easier and she was trained within 2 weeks!

Before i started her i introduced a potty, i didn't force her to sit on it i just left it in the room with her toys so she was used to seeing it! She used to sit on it with her nappy on but it took me ages to get her to sit on it with her nappy off :rotfl:

I do think it is easier when they can talk! Brooke started to tell me that she had poo'd and wanted her nappy off, My H.V said at the time that these are signs to look out for!
Yea thats nice keely, but i like this one


I can just imagine Olivia sitting on the throne while watching playhouse disney :rotfl:

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