POTTY TRAINING....Anyone joining me? (and Brody!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Well I feel bad, Brody has been ready for ages, and does plenty of wees if I remember, and so far, 2 poos. :)
Trouble is I'm busy and in and out of the house in the day usually so I don't often remember to take his nappy off. When he has no nappy he'll go on the potty pretty much every time though so I have made this thread as an incentive for me, and to log our progress.
Anyone else want to use this thread to keep track of progress and share ideas?
i wish Ewan was!! he was starting to use the potty before christmas but it has all gone to 'pot' now ( excuse the pun) tried him without nappies and he just wees on the floor so am using pull ups just wish they werent so expensive...
trying to get him to poo on the potty well thats another fight completely.. wont do anything!! untill i put the pull up back on!! grrr

will start trying again on monday i thinks
Potty training is driving me CRACKERS. So far this morning, Lydia has peed on the living room floor (and all over her socks), and all over the TOILET FLOOR. Yep, that's right, inches away from the toilet....she was sitting on the toilet, then decided she didn't need to wee, got off the toilet - and then promptly peed all over the floor.


I don't get it - she's such a clever girl.....but with this she just doesn't seem to get it! She loves sitting on the toilet, that's not the problem. She knows aswell that when she does wees or poos in the toilet she gets smiley faces on her chart, and she likes that, but still she never EVER tells me when she needs to go, and even when I let her run around bare bummed, she never mentions that she needs a wee. I have to ask her ALL the time, and a lot of the time she says yes, even though she doesn't need it, and vice versa.

It's driving me nuts.
OMG she just peed on the floor again. Then proudly announced "Lydia's weed again, on the floor".

I'm gonna cry.

I've put a nappy on her, I can't take this any more today.
Xena said:
OMG she just peed on the floor again. Then proudly announced "Lydia's weed again, on the floor".

I'm gonna cry.

I've put a nappy on her, I can't take this any more today.

:hug: She'll get there. Brody gets a chocolate button when he gets it right, I think thats why he picked it up so quick. Does she get a reward?

Brody has had nappies on all day :oops: I went to toddler group this morning, then he slept for 2 hours, then we had the school run.

Taking it off now though! This thread has reminded me!!
I'll join in!!
At the moment Jack is in his boxers
He refuses to go on his potty even though it is in the room, he prefers the toilet, but by the time we get there.....

I'm the same as you Urchin, in and out all day doing stuff

It was so much easier with Emily as I had no life LOL

he has been in pants since dinner time with 2 accidents, so not too bad

He has a star chart but the buttons sound good
braydon is driving me crackers to
after over 4 months of trying to get him on the potty he will do it now but then he will get off then go toilet
but yest at my mums he did do a wee on the potty i say that he started then got up and did the rest on the floor lol
were getting closer
Urchin said:
Xena said:
OMG she just peed on the floor again. Then proudly announced "Lydia's weed again, on the floor".

I'm gonna cry.

I've put a nappy on her, I can't take this any more today.

:hug: She'll get there. Brody gets a chocolate button when he gets it right, I think thats why he picked it up so quick. Does she get a reward?

Yeh, or a wee she gets a smiley face on her chart, and for a poo she gets a smiley face and a few (about 5) chocolate buttons.

10 smiley faces = a small surprise present.

I'm still having no luck today with potty training.
Brody's done one wee and got a button :)

I'm not sure he gets the sticker chart thing, he has one, and he does get a sticker, but times when I've forgotten he doesn't remember either so I'm not sure thats the best reward for him. The buttons definitely do the trick though, he remembers right away and runs to the kitchen LOL

He's at my moms tomorrow while I'm at work and she's great with it, she takes his trousers off as he arrives and he does every wee (and 2 poos last week) in the potty.
I'll join in! We were doing really well, but it's gone awful now. Today she weed on the potty (she actually told DH she needed to go first thing when she had her nighttime nappy on), she did a big wee on her potty whilst naked from the waist down this morning, then I got her dressed in big girls pants and trousers and she weed and pooed in them :wall: . I put a nappy on her and she pooed in it just before lunch then she had a nappy on for naptime which she pooed in again (my child shats for britain!)
This afternoon she had a nappy on, but when I took it off she weed on her potty, then at teatime she had a nappy on and was telling me she needed a wee and kept saying 'hold it in, hold it in'. And she did! Til she got down and did a wee on the potty. We had another two wees on the potty after her bath.


She seems to get it really well when she's naked, or just wearing pants, but add clothes and it's a recipe for disaster :?
Yeah Brody isn't ready for clothes yet, even pant confused him so we just go for naked bum for now. :lol:
Thing with naked bum though is that it's so embarassing when people drop by - Ella's got a habit of bending over and peering through her legs at people....usually whilst she's stood on the sofa giving them a birds eye view of her breakfast :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

She only does that when she's got no bloody clothes on though! My poor stepbrother didn't know where to look the other day :rotfl:
I know what you mean! We have a sofa in the bay window and Brody loves to climb up it and stand in the window! I have to grab him and get him down.
Im attemptijng to potty training, but stephens autism is slowing him down. I dare not take his nappy off cos he would wee everywhere!

At the moment im just putting him on the toilet so it builds hi confidense up.

But were fighting against the autism as its seriously hindered his sensory skills and underatanding.
I have no advice cos my daughter was a nightmare in potty training, we had to get doctors and HV and the school involved infact she got refused entry to a nursery cos she wasnt potty trained.

Anyway I just wanna tell u how we did it, the HV knew Sophie loved princess and made her a potty crown and everytime she had a wee on the poot she got a lovely diamond to stick on her chart, which worked wonders, for a while :rotfl:

so the next thing she did was bring Sophie a princess tin with magic coins in, and everytime Sophie used the potty she got to put 10p in her tin and when ithad 10 coins in she could go to the shop and buy something.

I had to give her a little bit money :rotfl:

I hope these 2 stories can help u guys good luck :hug: :hug:

I might start Alastair in a few months :)
nathans brilliant at using it at home- he never has pants on though he hates them and touch wood has not had an accident yet. :D
when do i start leaving the nappy off outside the house though? do i wait until he starts asking for the potty when we are out?
I've tried going out for a short amount of time with pants on and twice she's stayed dry. Once it was for an hour, then she came home and went on her potty :dance: But it was short lived!

Chezzabell I think that's lovely, we should get a chart for Ella. ATM we have her 'special penguin' handwash, so after she's been on the potty she gets to flush it down the loo and wash her hands with her special soap.

The thing is she knows that it's good to go on the potty, she says 'mummy proud, daddy proud, baby proud (only time Alex gets called that!) and Ella proud' when she's been. When she did a poo in her pants today she came over to me, lay down on the change mat and said 'OH MY GOD' when I pulled down her trousers, the little mischief!
Ooh, me too, we are potty training. My son is actually picking it up pretty quickly and is very good at it when I am at home with him all day. Only thing is, 2 days a week he is at home with Daddy, who hasn't got the patience or understanding and just doesn't encourage him enough so he gets slack. Then another 3 mornings he goes to Nursery, where they completely encourage him but he doesn't go half as much as when he is with me, but then surrounded by other kids, I probably wouldn't want to either. It's so difficult to get him into any kind of routine with it, as everyday is different. I'm thinking of booking a couple of weeks off work in a month or so, just so I can be at home with him everyday and see if that will do the trick. I think if I can get him into a routine of the same thing each day and constantly going on the potty when he needs to go, it might be enough to train him into it himself. I just want to get him trained asap now before I get heavily pregnant or worse still, the new baby is here! Certainly don't want 2 kids in nappies!!
Cool now there are a few of us I'll make this a sticky :)
Urchin said:
Cool now there are a few of us I'll make this a sticky :)

Just like my carpet when Ella smudged an entire poo into in with her hands and spoon when I was out of the room. Oh no, hang on, that was shitty not sticky!! :lol:

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