Postman broke my letterbox!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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He's always trying to shove packages through that are too big, and this morning he actually snapped my draft excluder with one! I'm so peed off, I wouldn't mind so much if I wasn't in, he didn't even try to ring the doorbell to just HAND me the package!

Now I've got to go through the whole complaints thing with Royal Mail, and we're renting so I've got to tell my landlady and try to get a new letterbox!

Oh no! That's terrible. :x

Our letter box is a bit faulty, so most of the time it falls off the door when someone is trying to post something - you wouldn't believe the amount of people that just leave it on the ground :evil:
wtf??? :shock: :shock: :shock:

when he comes round tomorow stand in the doorway and as he gives u ur post, give him ur broken letterbox and ask for a new one!!!
The guy on the phone when I called to complain said if it's less than £34 they just send a cheque. I think it's going to cost £5 for a new excluder... plus £29 for my time & effort! :wink:
maybebaby said:
The guy on the phone when I called to complain said if it's less than £34 they just send a cheque. I think it's going to cost £5 for a new excluder... plus £29 for my time & effort! :wink:
What a prat! my postie is fab. I hope you gewt it all sorted and enjoy the extra cash!!! :rotfl:
What a twit! Mind you, it makes a change from them pretending you're not in and just putting the card through as a matter of course.
The postman broke my cat flap shoving parcels through it, now theres just a hole :shock:
he did this to ours as well, pushed a parcel through that was to big and it broke.. i complained and got a new letter box and £20 back for the inconvienience do complain and dont let them fob u off :hug:

Our postie broke ours too and we work with him too! He just laughed! He's a right t*t!

He's always getting our post mixed up too! You'd think he would be a bit more careful knowing we work there too! :roll: He just thinks it's funny! :evil:

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