post natal depression


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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hi i know B is nearly 6 months now but can i still get PnD, all i seem to do at the mo is cry over everything i have truely never cried so much
everything is getting me down, the christening, work, garry, my sis, friends everything it seems like i aint slep in months i have but as i been crying so much it makes it worse.
everything seems to be going wrong i ask for my familys advice and they dont give me the "sensible right advice i wanted" so i fly off the handle. i know wen i am being out of order but i just cant control myself i speak before brain engages.
garry has invited 4 more people to the christening who i have to pay to feed and we are having the after thing at my house (not a big house) and is already going to be a squash without the four extra people, i am having no help from him with money or general organising and it seems to make it all worse
my dad walked in from work today and i just burst into tears saying i cant do this anymore and that is not me, normally i just carry on no matter wot.
i just feel so down :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
aww sweetie i knew this was coming, I dont know if you have seen but i posted in your other thread, I really think you need to speak to your HV or doc about suport groups or counciling.
I think you would benifit from talking to someone who doesnt know you and who isnt involed in your situations etc.

PND is a horrible thing but your not aone, loads of mums get it, I had it on Ethan my second child.

im sure the girls here will give you all the advice and suport you need as well hunny

if its any help, im feeling very crappy right now too, Im having problems with my friend and its made me very upset, i was just going to make a thread about it but then i saw this one

Awww hun


I agree with Layla about talking to your HV.
You have been coping really well and you have had such a lot on your are allowed to feel down about things, there's nothing wrong in how you're feeling.
Is Gary going to pay for half of the Christening? If not then I would tell him his friends are not on the list!
Don't worry about it being a squash, you are already feeding these people I wouldn't worry about making them comfortable too...they will either come round or go are doing enough!

Are you seeing your friends much? Maybe organise a night out so you can let your hair down for a few can do wonders.

Hope you feel better soon

Sarah, PND can happen at any time, even a year after your baby is born. It is scary and feels like you are on your own but you have had great advice of Urchin and Layla, talk to your Dr or health visitor, they are there to offer you the help you need. Please pm me or msn me if you feel like you need to chat, you are not on your own. x

I can only second what Urchin and layla have written, Have a talk to your health visitor about everything don't hold back and just let it all out.

Lots of women go through it always remember you are not alone.

As for garry's friends like urchin said if he's not paying for anything or helping in any way tell him to get stuffed, he seems to think he has a right to a free pass just because he's B's dad and he doesn't, he has to earn it by taking responsibilty.

Do what is right for you and what makes you happy not everyone else.

As I said in pm concentrate on yourself abit do what you need to do to feel better. As sergested have a night out, or start a nightclass or activitie that gets you out on your own for one night aweek maybe I'm sure you'd feel alot better and more confident.

garry wouldnt even dream of paying for any of the christening, he doesnt even pay nething for braydon

id love to go out with my m8s but most of them have dropped me since i fell/had braydon (iv become boring apperently) and the ones i am friends with either have babys or blokes and dont like going out at nite!!

i would do a course but they cost money which i cant afford, so i cant do that and mum and dad already have B twice a week for me, so i can work. so i couldnt ask them to babysit again as they already give up there weekend!

i will try to tlk to my HV tomoz but she aint the easiest person in the world to talk to, she is ALWAYs running late so it makes u feel u got to rish espically wen u got people after u in the waiting room saying all the things they gotta do after HV, and i h8 tlking to my DOC about things like that as he is friends with my family, and he already looks 'differantly' at me since i found out i was PG with braydon

thank you ladys u have replied :D
and sorry it is so long
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
i will try to tlk to my HV tomoz but she aint the easiest person in the world to talk to, she is ALWAYs running late so it makes u feel u got to rish espically wen u got people after u in the waiting room saying all the things they gotta do after HV, and i h8 tlking to my DOC about things like that as he is friends with my family, and he already looks 'differantly' at me since i found out i was PG with braydon

Don't feel rushed, you have as much right to chat to your HV as anyone else and if they have to wait so be it. Can you not phone her up and ask her for a home visit or an appointment to discuss how you feel If you don't want to talk to your Dr, you can ask to see another one.

I know what you mean about friends, I am the only one of my friends to have a baby and with some of them it can be hard to talk to them anymore, I think I bore them with baby talk :(
i hadnt thought of asking for a home visit i think i will do that, i am allowed to aint i??
You are absolutley allowed a home visit! You are not putting them out, remember it is their JOB to look after people in your position.

Like beanie said, don't be rushed, it's in yours and Braydon's best interests to sort this out, you've done a great thing already by asking us for help on what can be a very touchy subject.
Hi Sarah,

Have you tried the samaritans? also there is a national PnD helpline. It is listed on the MAMA webpage!

My friend works as a samaritan and when I was suffering with severe depression before I was pregnant I rang them on a regular basis and they were great - like talking to your best friend!

On the subject of courses - have you looked into 'Learn direct' some of their courses are free!
((((hugs)))) Everyone has already given the advice i would have said, but just to say chin up hun, were all here any time as usual!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi hun

sorry your feeling this way now i wish i was back on earlier to talk to you but im sure i will talk to you some time this morning on the net.
Youshould talk to someone or you will go crazy and its too bad your family and garry arent much help.
Talk to you soon.
*hugz* Katrina and Kiara
hi everyone
thank you for advice, i spoke to my HV and i got an appointment for next week to see her n if im not feeling ne better she is going to sed me to a councillor
but i went to work today and i am feeling a lil betta :D
That's great hun, you have taken a very big step there. I went on Monday to a mother and baby unit and feel so much better now that I know what I am feeling can be changed, and that I am on my way to getting better. Take care of yourself xx

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