Possibly Sensitive Subject.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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OH and I were chatting last night and he said he would give his life for our unborn baby now. I said I wouldn't - once he's born I expect to feel this way but at the moment he's not here yet and we are - can't think how else to put it but I don't think the bond has been completed to this extent yet.....

What do you think? x
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I think people bond in different ways and at different stages.
I also think it's easier to say you would/wouldn't than it actually would be to do it in any situation, and you won't have a situation like that so don't worry about it hun!
People say these things but i truely beleive you never know how you will feel or what you would do until you're in the situation.

I alwas said i thought i would keep a baby if i fell pregnant in the situation i'm in, but made it clear that i didnt know this and i'd never know until i was there, as it happens i still felt the same but there are many things where you think you wouldnt do it but you will or vice versa.

Dont beat yuorself up about it, i've never thought about it and i dont know if i feel i would die for her, partly cos if i did she'd have no parents at all. It doesnt mean i dont love her.
In all honesty, before now I hadn't really given it any thought. I don't think OH would as we were talking about the baby last night and he said he still felt quite detached-I think this is due to cirumstance, if he'd been around for the whole pregnancy he might've felt differently, but still not sure he would die for LO.

I'm not sure what I would do TBH, it's a very tough question :think:

Alex xxx
:hug: nice of your fella to say that think he was just saying how much he loves baby already.. your lucky :hug: xx
Like it has been said people bond in different ways, i know after we had our 4d scan and Lee saw baby as REAL, he would also say the exact same as your OH.
But i wouldn't be able to say the same just yet as my life is harrisons life ( if ya get me )
I'm with Keli - how lovely that your other half is so in love with the baby already! During my last pregnancy my husband at the time couldn't give a sh!t although he soon took an interest when my son was born.

This time around, my other half adores the bump but I'm not sure he'd give his life just yet - haven't asked him actually!

I remember feeling quite detached from my son when he was first born. I remember thinking that he must somehow be someone else's - probably because I'd had such a traumatic labour. During the first night he cried because of the forcep wounds he had on his face and I remember that was the moment at which I bonded with him. He slept next to me in my hospital bed and I sang to him in the darkness. It's a beautiful memory that I'll take to my grave.
i agree that after our 4d scan, we both felt a lot closer to our little man, it really helped oh with the bonding process i think :)

after seeing his little face, and giving him a definate name, he became a real little life to me.. everyone is different though hun :hug:
My 4D scan did help me to see her as completely real, and i thought it might help Baby daddy too, but unfortunately he hasn't shown any interst in her since the scan and almost seem to think that now he'd seen her as a girl he jsut wasnt interested.
It's strange isn't it - you know when you see films where someone's giving birth and something goes wrong and the doctor says "It's your wife or the baby" and he always chooses his wife - this seems right to me somehow, I can't imagine him choosing the baby who he hasn't met yet y'know... xx
I think that no matter what, you'll find that when your baby arrives that you can't really relate to the fact that he/she is what has been growing inside you. I still look at Luke and can't believe that he was "Flump" and he is what I could feel moving and kicking inside me. It's very odd.

We were discussing othe other day about how we can now understand what parents mean when they say that they would die for their children.

I so would.
:shhh: If I was put into a situation 3 weeks ago of having to save my baby or my own life I would have chosen my life.

As soon as I met Evie though it all changed and I would take a bullet for her anyday. My life wouldn't be worth living without her in it... :shakehead:

Just asked my OH and he said he feels the same way. :)

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