Possibly Pregnant?


Jan 31, 2012
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I'm looking for a bit of advice from women who may have had this themselves. My partner and have been TTC since November last year. I had my last normal period at the start of December.

I was due on the 31st December, but had 2 days of spotting, very dark brown blood, but no actual period. I did 2 pregnancy tests but both came back negative. My last period was due on the 28th Jan but still no sign of it and the test I did last night (the 3rd) is still negative.

I actually thought this time I would have a period because I'm getting strong cramps as though I'm about to come on or like I'm actually on, but there's not even a trace of blood. I'm also getting a heavy feeling in my lower back which is a bit weird since I don't normally get that.

I've not really had any symptoms of pregnancy like sore breasts or nausea. I have felt really tired the last week or so but nothing else. Is there a possibility that I am actually pregnant and the tests aren't picking it up? I've missed 1 period before, but never 2, but it might just be wishful thinking on my part since I really really want to be pregnant!
Hi hun , yes it is possible to be pregnant and not show on a test my sis had this she was 12weeks when a test finally showed posotive , she went to her gp and even his test was negative but he did think she was pregnant so sent her for a scan and she was pregnant with twins , if your period doesn't show in another few days I would see your gp , fingers crossed that you are hun xxx
What test are you using hon?x
Thanks so much for answering. My partner and I are both hoping the tests are wrong, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much just in case! It's so tempting to constantly test just to be sure, but I'm really trying to leave gaps between tests. I've set myself a time of this weekend to do another test. If that one is negative I'm going to make a doctors appointment.

The waiting is horrible!

Edit: I'm using One Step tests :)
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Have you tried frer test they seem to be good ones to use. , I agree the waitin drives me insane. Fx crossed hun xx
When I test again this weekend (if AF hasn't arrived by then), I'm going to try a different brand. My SIL used the One Step ones and they worked really well for her (she's due in March), but I know some women have low HGC levels and it isn't always picked up right away.
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Hi hun , yes it is possible to be pregnant and not show on a test my sis had this she was 12weeks when a test finally showed posotive , she went to her gp and even his test was negative but he did think she was pregnant so sent her for a scan and she was pregnant with twins , if your period doesn't show in another few days I would see your gp , fingers crossed that you are hun xxx

This is very interesting actually as I know HPT do not register hCG is it is too high and obviously twins will have a much higher hCG reading!

Yep that's what the gp told my sis , he sent her for a scan when he had a feel of her tummy , she didn't get huge till about 24 weeks but obviously he could feel something so sent her for a scan the same day and sure enough right there on the screen was twins good job she was already lying down lol xx
Oh that's interesting as twins run in both my family and my partners!
I'd get yourself off to the gp and get a blood test and that will tell you for definite.x
Thanks for the help ladies. At least I know it might still be possible, even with negative tests. I'll just have to make an appointment and hope for the best!
lol would that work?

Yep - if you are *say* 8 weeks pregnant a HPT is not designed to pick up that amount of hCG. It is designed to pick up levels of hCG between *say* 3.5 weeks - 7 weeks

That doesn't however explain why the test didn't pick up last month?

If you have any cheapies I'd def dilute your pee and see what occurs?

But yep a blood test will be the best option fo a definative answer...
Thanks ladies. I'm going to wait until next week just to be sure it's not just a fluke. While the waiting is annoying, I'd rather wait until I'm over a week late with this one than just a few days since the December one (while only spotting) may still be classed as a period.

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