Possibly Breech???


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2009
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Hello all!

Just got back from my 36wk check with the MW.
BP fine, urine fine, Iron level 11 (borderline), measuring correct for dates etc.

Then when she was feeling for baby, she then got the Doppler out to listen to his HB.
She picked it up quick, and then i got the "hard bulge" in my tummy, and asked her if it was his butt.

She had a feel and asked me if that happens often, and how long it'd been like that, as its a hard lump.

I told her it'd been like that for around 13 days now.

She thought baby was head down as the heart beat is quite low down in my tummy, but she said the "bulge" feels like a head.

So....Its off to the hospital on Wednesday afternoon to be checked out to see if baby is Breech or just has a very hard bottom lol!

Just wanted to add that when she said "the heartbeat is quite low" i panicked thinking she meant BPM- but i asked her and she said "the heart is beating fine, nice and normal i just meant low in your tummy which makes me think head down but i want you to be checked out for breech just in case".

What would happen if he is breech???
I just wanted to say that with my 4th midwives kept saying my daughter was breech and saying feel this hard lump here its her head, well at a scan at 37 weeks it was her bum just a very hard bum, consultant said he had never felt such a hard bum, she still has a hard bum now and hurts sometimes when she sits on your knee. was just saying incase ou situation same as midwife thinking it was hed down originally and where the heart is. my other daughter was breech until 37 weeks, but they said they were going to try and turn her, if not i could try v birth as i had already had a child but i could opt for c section which they preferred.
Hopefully all will be well when you find out on Wednesday hun

x x x x
My baby is breech.

Basically you will get canned on Wednesday to establish postion of baby. If baby o breech then they will see if baby can be turned, and will give you the option to hve it turned ( mine couldn't be turned). They will then say if hey can attempt a vaginal delivery- though they tend to advise against. You will be given tge option to have a c-section too, what they will say is tht they will book it, but if baby turns before hand then you can still have a natural birth. You can ask for positions totry to get baby to turn.

My midwife found out too late that my baby was breech, so didn't have time to try and get baby to move. I have a hard lump above my belly button, bellow my ribs...and that's babes head. All little movements are low down too.x
My baby is breech.

Basically you will get canned on Wednesday to establish postion of baby. If baby o breech then they will see if baby can be turned, and will give you the option to hve it turned ( mine couldn't be turned). They will then say if hey can attempt a vaginal delivery- though they tend to advise against. You will be given tge option to have a c-section too, what they will say is tht they will book it, but if baby turns before hand then you can still have a natural birth. You can ask for positions totry to get baby to turn.

My midwife found out too late that my baby was breech, so didn't have time to try and get baby to move. I have a hard lump above my belly button, bellow my ribs...and that's babes head. All little movements are low down too.x

Thanks hun :)

Yeah my Hard lump is around and above the belly button, most of the time to the right, but occasionally wonders more to the middle and then under my right rib.
Most of the kicks/pokes seem to be below belly button on my left side.
If i try and "grab" this hard lump its bigger than the Palm of my hand.

Well Roll on Wednesday..Will let you know how the appointment goes.
That sounds like a breech baby! Mines more on my left, but that's because my placenta Is on my right.
my 1st was breech - I had him turned by ECV. If it had failed I would have needed a c-section apparently....nice of them to give me the option of a normal delivery hey! thankfully ECV was successful.

I'm having a late scan with this one too to see if breech. It's already back to back, so hoping its not breech as well!!

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