Possible implantation bleeding?


Active Member
Jul 11, 2016
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Hi ladies,

So basically was going out for the day and felt wet down there thought buggar I've come on,
Went to a toilet about an hour later as I was on a bus and there is a small patch? I'd say 5 drops of blood (dark red brown) so thought oh ok must be period but nothing since, does this sound like implantation bleeding?
Also had nausea and sore nipples which I don't normally get when I'm due on?

When should I test if it is implantation?

Thanks for your help xxx
It could be, test in a couple of days xx
Update, slight more spotting like a skidmark ���� it's pinkish and watery! Help ha x
Have you been ttc becky ?

I come off the pill in May and had every pg symptom going.

I started spotting pink/brown yesterday
Today like a full af but really dark and watery in toilet thinking af, so used a tampon I've hardly had anything since.

Never had af like it too. Usually full flow then light, not spotting then heavier x
I wouldn't say we're actively trying but not preventing it either if that makes sense, I came off the pill on June 13th and this is the only sign of blood since then, have done the deed a few times whilst being off the pill so who knows.
I have 2 boys already and you would think I know pregnancy by now haha x

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