Positive thread xxx

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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I have not been on for a few days to one thing or another. It just seems there is something in Tri 2's waters lately... Sara, Chezzabell, Naz, Jaidy and anyone else who is having a rough time at the mo!

Can I just say I love all of you lots and hope that everything turns out for the best... especially Sara.

I just thought perhaps now would be a nice time to share positive moments from your pregnancy so far... If not for the new ladies joining us but to get everyone's chins up and smiling.

Hugs to all regardless..mwah!! xxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ok Mummy Rich, I'll share some positives with you!

- I haven't been sick for 2 days! I'm feeling great and so happy to feel well. :)
- The checkout lady in Tesco told me to be careful not to overfil my bags as they'd be heavy. This made me happy because she must have seen my bump and i felt proud of it!
- I have my scan tomorrow afternoon so am excited by that :cheer:

Best wishes to all the girls having a rough time and welcome to all the new Tri 2 - ers. :wave:
Good idea as some of our gals have really been going through it recently. My heart goes out to all of them. :hug:

I can honestly say the best part is starting to feel the bean moving. :D

Other good bits are:
Hearing his heartbest on our doppler,
Hubby kissing my tummy every day and night,
And the important things like:
the shopping, the eating what the hell we feel like and getting out of the housework from being so tired! :wink: :wink: :rotfl:
hope all turns out well 4 every1

well i think iv finally got the pregnnacy boom ..my hair is glowing and growing and my skin looks fab
my lil bubba is soo active at night keeps me awake hehe
i love him soooo much and me oh cant wait to meet him :dance: xxx
Gosh here's mine so far!

* getting a positive on a 25mlu really early, that put my mind at ease that this time was different and would go well
* then getting past af time with no sign of bleeding (i conceive early so i have a 3ww not a 2ww)

* booking in with the midwife and making it all official :cheer:
* getting my scan and being put forward a day so I conceived before I ovulated on cd9 :cheer:
* seeing it on the screen hiccup and putting its hand in its mouth and then kicking the s**t out of me, and seeing it has my hubbys long fingers and not my short fat ones!

* being low risk on downs and spina bifeda, was worried due to my age.

* feeling movements and seeing my belly grow and knowing it can hear now (cat yesterday set it off and me shouting in my sleep set it off this morning!)

* boobs looking great :lol:
* shopping for baby stuff is fun! and have even got it a good few Christmas presents and they are wrapped up!!!
* just the excitement of what's to come, our whole life is changing :dance:
Ahhh what a great thread!

Here are my positives :D

-My 4 year old son is very curious and loves to feel my tummy have cuddles with me and the bump and even kisses and talks to my bump.

-I have such lovely hair and nails.. and my skin is so clear :)

-Sometimes I can just shut the world out and sit there feeling my little girl moving as if it's just me and her and any outside influences don't matter to us.

-I'm less than half way down the line to meeting my little girl, and I really can't wait!

-I have chosen the most beautiful name for her, I'm so excited about seeing her for the first time and saying "Liliana!" :D

-Even though I was seen as "high risk" because of previous complications, me and my baby girl have sailed through every scan and blood test!

-I'm having a GIRL.. I couldn't ask for much more of a positive!!!

Ahhh.. this thread has made me feel better! Thanks Mummy Rich :hug:
I definatly felt my baby move this week, keep getting tickles in my tummy when im sat or laid down :D

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Made me smile reading all your posts girls...

I love that my 2 yr old niece gives her mi mi (dummy) to my tummy and says a mumbled version of hello there!
I am so proud of my bump even tho I may not act it sometimes and love when people give it a little rub!

A brill thing is feeling the baby when I wake up each morning and knowing my Jackabella is there with me!! x

Ahh.. the mornings are my favourite.. never used to be a morning person but I love feeling her in the mornings..

Thanks for the great thread Mummy Rich.. :hug:
Wonderful thread xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

*I love the movements I get now, they have been a long time coming and I sit still and wait for them as they come in waves
*My 8 year old son has nicknamed bubba 'snips' and it makes my heart melt every time her calls her 'snips'
*Hubby glowing with love for our little family becoming 4
*Buying little bits when Im out and about and filling the drawer with pink stuff
*Glowing skin (apart from eye bags) and lucious long flowing locks-yay
*Sharing everything with you guys :hug:
I'm going to have to add in the dreams!

For me the racy saucy ones (one featured Dev off Cori LOL) :oops: but my hubby is having crazy ones where he is also in the womb with the baby and he's above it and scared incase he squashes it! (there's me dreaming of wild sex and him dreaming of the baby!!) and he's had some of me giving birth and I shout my head off.

Also him having pregnancy symptoms is quite cute! He's gaining weight right along with me, has bad backs and has torn a ligament in his knee aparantly! (even my mum has been having tummy pains!!)

Also for some reason one of my cats has taken to sitting on my feet since I got pregnant, which is lovely.

it's good to concentrate on the highlights :cheer:
I really hope all the girlies having problems are doing well :D

Here's my list:

* Feeling little one kicking me and moving about a lot of the time now :dance: especially after being told in the early stages
she was weak and would have something genetically wrong with her! (have had all the tests that came back normal!)
* My OH feeling my belly just as little one kicks and moves about so he can feel close to her too
* My OH turning up with me to every scan and holding my hand with a little tear in his eye as he sees our beautiful baby on
the screen
* FINALLY feeling comfortable in my own skin and embracing my changing shape
* Maternity wear shopping in Mothercare!
* Buying little one cute pink outfits to wear and making plans for her!

what a lovely post hun!!

yea my thoughts are most diffo with Sara atm, and of course Tracey :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
and Naz, and im sure Jaidy wont be trying to jump over anymore stairs gates!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have to say im loveing everything about this baby i dunno if its cos its my last but i love everything and yea i was bleeding but it turned out to be nothing thank god....Im loveing the reaction my 4 yr has towards the baby and i cant wait for the kids to meet this baby and start bonding that has to be one of the most beautiful things in the world seeing u older kids holding ur new born for the 1st time :cry: :cry: Shit just started cryong at work :rotfl:
Love the fact I don't feel sick anymore :D (except for today but hopefully its a one off).
& feling bubs move loads now. I love the fact I no when hes awake and when hes sleeping, its like hes already in a routine.
And of course the fact my hairs all glowy and nice and my skins a bit better than it was in tri 1.
ANDDDD the shopping :cheer:

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