Positive Stories after multiple mc


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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I need to hear some positive stories please ladies, I would like to know if there is anyone out there who had several mc before finally getting a take home baby? Did you have any treatment or do anything different?

I've heard from loads of people who have had a mc, then a baby, then another mc. Or people who had a baby then several mc then another baby but I don't know anyone who had the mcs first.

We are waiting for our mc testing referral at the moment, I'm hoping they find nothing and we have just been unlucky but in the meantime I would like to hear some positive stories to cheer me up!
Hi snowbee. I had a few very early losses, then as you know lost my baby at 38 weeks due to a genetic disorder.
We then had a test to check our chromosomes and they were fine.
They wouldnt do any other tests for us but eventually we were ready to try again.
We now have a two year old.
I also know of a lady that did have lots and lots of losses and found out she did have an issue with her chromosomes, however i believe she now has two children.
I hope this does give you hope, i understand how hard it is in the waiting hun.
There are a few ladies on here who had losses before their take home babies. Fliss had 2 or 3 losses before having her first and has just had her 2nd. Carnat had 3 losses before her first too. Carnat is usually about the baby and toddler section and I know she had recurrent mc testing which I believe came back clear but don't know if she did anything different to get a sticky bean.

I really hope you get your take home baby soon xx
What a good thread keeping my eye on this I would also like to see positive stories on people who had a child the had Mmc and then a successful baby and what lthey did different. I have a 2 year old and have just had 3mmc so I would say Mmc can happen at anytime do not give up hope just because you don't have a child already xx
I've had 3 miscarriages and have been diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder. I'm just waiting for an appointment with haematology to get blood thinners but hoping this helps!
*puts hand up*
I've lost more than I care to count. I lost one before getting pregnant with my daughter and that was a twin pregnancy but I lost one. She was born healthy and is now 20 :) then I tried for a sibling and he arrived 19 years later loosing 6 babies first and a period of about 7 years where I just didn't get pregnant. He was also born nice and healthy other than traumatic delivery. And I e lost 2 since him. Some people say I'm stupid to carry on I just say never give up on your dreams. So yes it can happen and hope it does for you
I will add all tests came back clear with no reason for my losses and only thing different I did was take soy with oliver xxx
There are a few ladies on here who had losses before their take home babies. Fliss had 2 or 3 losses before having her first and has just had her 2nd. Carnat had 3 losses before her first too. Carnat is usually about the baby and toddler section and I know she had recurrent mc testing which I believe came back clear but don't know if she did anything different to get a sticky bean.

I really hope you get your take home baby soon xx

I had 4 mc in the end. After 3 my consultant went out a bit on a leap of faith and gave me blood thinners as I have a history of a blood clot. My clotting studies were a bit off but no specific condition. I also have asthma and allergies so with #5 took aspirin, progesterone heparin injections and steroids. This pregnancy worked fine and #6 too (same protocol), he's having a feed now 3 weeks old:lol:

It helped me to be trying new things as I don't think mentally I could have gone on just trying again and again.

Rmc is a hard hard place, be kind to yourself and your oh and keep going. Most of the ladies ive met here with rmc have babies now, I can only think of one still trying. I hope you get an answer and your sticky bean soon. X.
This thread has given me hope also :)

So sorry for everyones losses :(

Fliss, I have asthma and allergies (dust, fur, all pollen, fungi/mold and have my anti allergies all year round). Also got eczema and sensitive to a lot of things on my skinand my eyes sensitive too. Really sensitive to caffeine and sugar also. I've had 3 losses (plus a few chemicals/very early losses), could my asthma/allergies be affecting it? I have been given other potential reasons but interesting what you said about that as I have always wondered because my body does like rejecting things!! I've been sent for rmc but got a bfp yesterday. Really nervous!

we had 2 children with no problem, then while trying for our 3rd we had 3 losses......then a take home baby that is now 18 months :)

first loss was at 7w2d, after seeing a hb I mc the next day as bleeding in uterus was found, then 2 cycles later I got another bfp but lost that one at 10w2d, jus started spotting then bleeding then naturally mc. I then got pregnant the very first cycle after that loss, but had a chemical!

I read up lots and because my 3rd loss what a chemical my gp wouldn't class it as a loss and so wouldn't refer me for tests/help etc. I decided to self medicate with a few things - I took extra vit D on top of what was already in my prenatel vits, I also took extra folic acid on top, and also started taking low dose aspirin. 5 cycles later I was pregnant again and that baby stuck good and proper and like I said she is now 18 months old :)

it's hard to keep positive and to believe it will happen, but I'm so glad I didn't give up :)
Iwant3 stories like you make me feel like I can't give up and there could be a light at the end of the tunnel I am on pregnancy multivitamins/minerals and I have started taking a low dose aspirin i am debating whether to take extra Vitamins like vitamin b/d how much folic acid did you take? I have also looked up how to increase progesterone naturally incase that is the problem I feel like I have to try everything for the moment. I have my appointment on the 30th november but it still seems so far away. Xx
I had five miscarriages having had two successful pregnancies. I was told to stop trying but went ahead anyway and took baby aspirin. I gave birth to identical twins at 37 weeks, a year after being told I had no chance. Never give up!! Xxxx
I had two losses before my take home baby, who's 18m. Sadly I think I'm now going through another mc at 6w pregnant x
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I'm so sorry your going through this Cherryberry, I saw your post on July mummies

I know this is an older thread but I always feel like a positive story should be shared. Even now I'm so scared of jinxing myself but here is my story.

I've had 5 first tri miscarriages, from age 22-24. Honestly had given up, hubby wanted a break (a long one).
We had rmc testing (not genetics) and they couldn't see what was wrong. My consultant prescribed progesterone, aspirin and folic acid - i took all of those with my 4th and 5th pregnancies but I still miscarried.

We moved back to nearer to our families and were both looking for jobs and worst timing ever, though obviously a huge blessing, i fell pregnant. I was weary to begin with but always felt relaxed about this pregnancy, with my previous pregnancies I was just always expecting something to go wrong.

I've had a few bleeds, one huge bleed but so far it's going well, I can't believe I've just passed V day and that my next goal is tri 3 (currently 25 weeks).

I stopped taking the aspirin at 10 weeks because of the bleeds and i just didn't feel confident it was helping (the stress of bleeding was too much and i blamed the aspirin).

So not a finished success story but half way there. Keep strong ladies, it's such a scary and at times relentless journey xxxx
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