Positive pregnancy test 3 weeks post ectopic


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2013
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Hi...just after a bit of advice. I lost my little angel due to an ectopic pregnancy at 5 +5, 3 weeks ago. Is it possible to still have HCG left in my body?

I did a pg test for no particular reason, I just saw it and decided to test. We have been having unprotected sex, but only for a week, so I know it is too soon for me to be pg again :(

It's messing with my head now though, and I'm worried if I still have HCG left over will I ovulate?
Yes it is still possible, i had 'similar' in the fact that my hcg were in the 100s at 6 weeks (they thought it was ectopic) and despite the Fact they were low to begin with, it took 6 weeks to get a neg pregnancy test xxx
You can still ovulate with small amounts of hcg in your system.
Could you ask for another blood test to check your hcg levels? xxx
After mmc it took a while for my hormone levels to go back back to normal, think it can take a bit time (although think I was quite a bit longer the average). Definitly contact docs if you're wanting some reassurance or to test to see what's happening. I know it can be frustrating and upsetting, but hopefully things will settle for you soon x
hi Hun, i have had 2 ectopic s and with both of mine i had weekly bloods done after to monitor hcg levels till they were back down below 5.They check so to make sure that there is nothing left that might still be growing.I would speak with you epu or doctor just to be sure, but mine took about 8 weeks to get down to 5.Hope you get some answers, take care xx
I was at 6 hcg 3 weeks ago after my mc in October!!! (that's 2.5 months after!) But I'm a weird case, it does take time for hormones to drop. Hope it gets better for you xx

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