Positive OPK now???


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Hi, I need your help sorry if its too long.
Last time i ovulated i had sex on my fertile days (i tested 14th day of cycle, positive ovulation test) then i spotted hardly noticable...i only noticed because i was looking for it. It happend after sex at 10dpo for 5 days on and off only like once a day when i wiped if atall, then a day late i got "AF" it only lasted 2 days but was normal flow so i thought it couldnt of been IB but i usually get AF for 5-7 days. When AF all of a sudden stopped and never came back 2 days later i took an ovulation test and it was positive,the nxt day negative and the day after (today) positive again...i dont know whats going on its actually worrying me incase somethings wrong! i came off the pill 2 months ago and my cycles are roughly 28 days give or take a few days. Ill put a pic of my ovulation test up from today the lines are just about the same colour. Thanks for any replies...baby dust to you all! xxx
Oh and if you ovulate very early in your cycle do you have better chance of conceiving or is it harder? thanks xxx

The first pic is blurry because its off my phone and the second one is the same pic but i darkened the photo


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I ofcourse am no expert, but just first of all wanted to wish you the best of luck, hopfully you will get your bfp soon!

second: an opk could ALWAYS show a line if you are ovulating or not. The dark line as a test line (same as control line or even darker) indicates ovulation will usually occur withing 24 to 36 hours (after you've done this opk test).

I wouldn't worry to much if I were you, it has not been long since you've stopped with the pill. sometimes AF only lasts a coulple of days even though this is not normal for you all the time.

Please try to relax :) these tests can really make people worried for nothing.

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