Tegala is in hospital

She will be pleased she was desperate for Tameron to arrive early.

Good Luck Tegala :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Its deffo that nipple tweaking LOL - she prob in there complaining of nipple damage too bless her :lol:

Good luck hunni! Hope you and Tameron are ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

No updates from her yet, I will update the post if I get a text from her. Hopefully her and Tameron will be doing okay.
:clap: Woohoo! I knew she was gonna pop soon!! Hope everything's going well! :D
aww thanks guys put a smle on my face readin them posts . im still here an stil in pain. i seriosly tink it was all dat tweakin dat has put me in dis pain thnx elaine lol
crystal thnx 4 updatin ppl wil be seeing midwife soon o will updae u al as my cred ran out :cry:
hehehe hun, cant believe ur in hossy, so are u in actual labour then?
god have no idae wats goin on am straped 2 a monitor n my foof n bk r achin like mad waitin 4 more pain relif

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