Positions and after it...ya know...


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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So, my AF is now finished, and next week I will be Ov'in! I am sure that this has been asked many a time, but I was wondering what you girls reckon the best position is in :bd:for getting :preg:?! I have been told missionary and :dog:gy get the :sperm: closest to the uterous... This is mostly the positions we use when TTC. Also... I had heard of women doing absurd things like bicycling with their legs in the air after... should I try this? Hubby would probably think I had lost my marbles!! I know staying laid down for a while after can help, let gravity take its course and all that.

I am determined this month, going to make sure all bases are covered.

Sending you all lots of baby :dust:!!

I think I read that missionary was good. Basically you need him to get the boys as close to your cervi so they have less swimming to do. Then if you can orgasm once he has that's supposed to draw them up further. A pillow under your hips will help gravity. I think cycling and even putting your legs in the air is a bit clinical. I just had a pillow at the side of the bed so I could put it under me without too much fuss and spoiling the moment. :) It's too easy to get caught up in the mechanics.....
Sounds like a plan... thanks! Is it just me, or is it hard not to let a lot of his 'baby batter' to come out after? I always think there cannot be a lot left in there?!?!?

I know what you mean but the stuff that does the trick is well on it's way by the time you start to get seepage! :lol:
I dunno about you but I always go to the loo after getting jiggy with Mr Biggy and laying there steeping used to do my swede in but it never took long for me to get a :bfp: so needs must!
i have to go to the loo too after we baby dance there is just too too much for my liking lol im like ahhh im gonna mark the sheets lol!!!!! Not good but im hoping i still have my bfp soon :)
hahaha that is sooo funny! I am like that. I start getting all like 'GET A TOOOWEEELLLLL...THE SHEEEEETS!!'
:rotfl: yes and me!!!!!! i think although not very romantic im going to bring a hand towel up with me next time so i put sit on a pillow on top of that - folded over a few times of course x
no i suppose not... but by that point hubby is more of less asleep so it doenst matter! lol
lol!!! that has made me giggle!! i sit with my hips up afterwards and then leg it too the toliet thats only so much i can do!! lol!! it bothers me about the sheets aswell!! lol!!

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