Well I'm about to do it all again 
Got AF at the moment, wasn't expecting to get it so soon after Ella as I am breastfeeding, but it's here. So the time must be right to start to TTC
So in about a week the BD begins. Unfortunately things are a bit different down there since last time - adventurous positions are sadly out the window (still a bit sore!).
We were very lucky and conceived first month last time - however it seems different this time as I've only just got AF so am not sure what my cycle will be. I have some OPKs and 15 HPTs, am sure this will be a busy old month.
It feels like the right time, I want a small age gap. Don't want pregnancy to stop me from breastfeeding though, that's my only concern.
Fingers crossed for a few weeks time

Got AF at the moment, wasn't expecting to get it so soon after Ella as I am breastfeeding, but it's here. So the time must be right to start to TTC

So in about a week the BD begins. Unfortunately things are a bit different down there since last time - adventurous positions are sadly out the window (still a bit sore!).
We were very lucky and conceived first month last time - however it seems different this time as I've only just got AF so am not sure what my cycle will be. I have some OPKs and 15 HPTs, am sure this will be a busy old month.
It feels like the right time, I want a small age gap. Don't want pregnancy to stop me from breastfeeding though, that's my only concern.
Fingers crossed for a few weeks time